hokiedsp / node-kiss-ffmpeg

A minimalistic NodeJS FFmpeg wrapper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

KISS (Keep It Stupid Simple) FFmpeg-API for Node.js

Build Status

This library is a simple Node.js JavaScript wrapper for FFmpeg. It is aimed for those users who are familiar with FFmpeg cli options (See excellent FFmpeg Documentation). For those who are searching for a fluent, easy to use library, consider using fluent-ffmpeg library, which this project is loosely based on.


  • Automatic FFmpeg binary path search via FFMPEG_PATH system environmental variable. This feature is especially useful in Windows, when couple with FFmpeg Winstaller Python script. This configuration originates from fluent-ffmpeg library.
  • Wraps ffmpeg & ffprobe binaries for both asynchronous and synchrous execution modes
  • FFmpeg class instances provides useful asynchronous runtime features:
    • Custom events to capture the transcoding codec info and progress
    • Automatic redirection of input and output streams


Node Version

Currently, kiss-ffmpeg requires Node.js v12.0.0 or later as it makes a heavy use of str.matchAll().

FFmpeg and FFprobe binaries

kiss-ffmpeg was developed and tested with the latest FFmpeg (v4.2.1) but should work with all recent releases.

If the FFMPEG_PATH environment variable is set, kiss-ffmpeg will use it as the full path to the ffmpeg executable. Otherwise, it will attempt to call ffmpeg directly (so it should be in your PATH). You must also have ffprobe installed (it comes with ffmpeg in most distributions). Similarly, kiss-ffmpeg will use the FFPROBE_PATH environment variable if it is set. If not found, it then will try FFMPEG_PATH then will attempt to call it in the PATH.

Most features should work when using avconv and avprobe instead of ffmpeg and ffprobe, but they are not officially supported at the moment.

Windows users: most probably ffmpeg and ffprobe will not be in your %PATH, so you must set %FFMPEG_PATH and %FFPROBE_PATH.


Via npm:

$ npm install kiss-ffmpeg

Or grabbing the latest version directly from GitHub as npm Dependency in package.json,

"dependencies": {
  "kiss-ffmpeg": "git+https://github.com/hokiedsp/node-kiss-ffmpeg.git",

Or as a submodule:

$ git submodule add git://github.com/hokiedsp/node-kiss-ffmpeg.git vendor/kiss-ffmpeg


kiss-ffmpeg Module

The kiss-ffmpeg module contains 3 components:

const { FFmpeg, ffprobe, ffprobeSync } = require("kiss-ffmpeg");
  • FFmpeg class, ffmpeg binary loose wrapper
  • ffprobe function to call ffprobe asynchronously
  • ffprobeSync function to call ffprobe synchronously

The remainder of this document assumes the above require call has been made.

Setting binary paths manually

The default paths of both ffmpeg and ffprobe binary may be overrided during execution.

FFmpeg Object

The binary path of ffmpeg binary is specified in the command property of the FFmpeg object, which is settable:

FFmpeg.command = "new/path/to/ffmpeg/binary/file"; // full path to the binary file

To revert to the default path, set it to a falsy value:

FFmpeg.command = ""; // or any other falsy value

ffprobe and ffprobeSync Functions

The ffprobe binary path is set by providing command key of the options input argument of ffprobe() and ffprobeSync():

ffprobe("input.mp4", { command: "ffprobe/binary/file" });
ffprobeSync("input.mp4", { command: "ffprobe/binary/file" });

Running FFprobe

Both versions of FFprobe functions take the same arguments:

ffprobe(file:String[, options:Object]) => Promise<Object>
ffprobeSync(file:String[, options:Object]) => Object

The only difference is that ffprobe() returns a promise, which resolves to an Object containing the media information of the input file, while ffprobeSync() blocks the execution until ffprobe completes its execution and returns the Object.

options argument accepts most of the cli FFprobe options as its keys. The available options are found here. By default, show_format, show_streams, show_programs, and show_chapters are enabled. To turn them off, use hide_format, hide_streams, hide_programs, hide_chapters, and hide_all options.

ffprobe() and ffprobeSync() utilize the ffprobe option, -print_format json=compact=1, to retrieve the media information. Hence, attempting to set -print_format option will throw an error (among other options, which obstruct the operation of the functions).


// async call
  .then(info => console.log(info))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

// sync call (throws error if failed)
let info = ffprobeSync("/path/to/file.mp4");

// retrieve only format info (options as an Array)
info = ffprobeSync("/path/to/file.mp4", ["hide_all", "show_format"]);

// retrieve only video stream info (options as an Object)
info ffprobe("/path/to/file.mp4", {
  hide_all: null, // use null for value of the value-less options
  show_streams: null,
  select_streams: "v"

// show SI units & sexagesimal time format
info = ffprobeSync("/path/to/file.mp4", ["pretty"]);

Running FFmpeg

The kiss-ffmpeg FFmpeg class instantiates an object, which stores the FFmpeg arguments and runs it accordingly.

let ffmpeg = new FFmpeg();

This object has 4 properties:

ffmpeg.inputs; // array of inputs and their FFmpeg options
ffmpeg.outputs; // array of outputs and their FFmpeg options
ffmpeg.global; // FFmpeg global options
ffmpeg.spawnOptions; // child_process.spawn's options argument

ffmpeg.inputs and ffmpeg.outputs follow a similar syntax.

// single input no options
ffmpeg.inputs = "path/to/file.mp4";

// multiple outputs, no options
ffmpeg.outputs = ["path/to/file1.mp4", "path/to/file2.mp4"];

// single input with options
ffmpeg.inputs = { url: "path/to/file.mp4", options: { ss: 1, t: 10 } };

// 3 outputs, 2 with options
ffmpeg.outputs = [
  { url: "path/to/file1.mp4", options: ["an"] },
  { url: "path/to/file3.mp4", options: { "c:v": "libx264", "c:a": "aac" } }

See below for the details of the options arguments.

These properties can be set at the time of the instantiation as well:

ffmpeg = new FFmpeg({inputs: "path/to/file.mp4",
                     outputs:  { url: "path/to/file3.mp4",
                                 options: { "c:v": "libx264", "c:a": "aac" } })

Once arguments are set, run FFmpeg either asynchrously or synchronously:

ffmpeg.run()=><ChildProcess>; // internally calls spawn
ffmpeg.runSync()=><Object>;   // internaly calls spawnSync

FFmpeg input & output urls

The url properties of inputs and outputs options are typically strings, which are then copied verbatimly as ffmpeg spawn arguments. Alternatively, Node.js streams may be given to pipe in/out from the stream. Currently, only 1 stream could be used for input or output because these streams are mapped to stdin and stdout.

TODO: Enable multi-stream support.

FFmpeg options

FFmpeg takes 3 types of options: input, output, and global. While the global options applies globally, input and output options are specified per source or destination url, repectively. There are a number of ways to specify any of these options in the FFmpeg instance properties:

Specified as... Example Description
Object {"c:v": "libx264", "an": null} Specify FFmpeg option name (without leading '-') as property name and its value as the property value. For boolean options without value (e.g., -an) let the property value be null)
String[] ["y", "qphist"] Useful if only specifying boolean options.
String "-map 0 -c:v libx264 -c:a copy" String containing the full set of FFmpeg options as used in cli

If an option must be repeated multiple times, specify all option values as an array in its options property value. This feature is useful in setting the -map FFmpeg options:

// to map [v] and [a] output nodes of a complex filter graph
ffmpeg.outputs.map = ["[v]", "[a]"];

There are a couple special options, unique to kiss.ffmpeg:

Type Name Description
global show_banner kiss.ffmpeg by default specifies -hide_banner global option when calling FFmpeg to minimize clatter in stderr stream. Use this option to override the default behavior.
output keepopen When an output stream object is specified instead of url string, kiss.ffmpeg automatically closes the stream when FFmpeg process exits. Specifing keepopen option to the piped output leaves the stream open.

Note: Be aware that these option settings are not validated by kiss-ffmpeg.

Setting event handlers

Before actually running FFmpeg asynchronously via ffmpeg.run(), you may want to set event listeners on it to be notified when FFmpeg process is done. There are 2 ways to capture events from the FFmpeg process: via the Child_Process instance run() returns or via the FFmpeg instance. Please see Node.js Child_Process documentation for the former, and FFmpeg instance fires the following events:

Event Name Callback Signature Description
start cb(proc) Emitted immediately after FFmpeg process begun
codecData cb(proc, data) Emitted when FFmpeg finish printing its job summary
progress cb(proc, status) Emitted when FFmpeg printed a progress line
close cb(proc, code, signal) Pass-through event from ChildProcess
disconnect cb(proc) Pass-through event from ChildProcess
error cb(proc, err) Emits errors passed from ChildProcess or last line FFmpeg printed before terminating with status=1
end cb(proc, code, signal) Pass-through event from ChildProcess exit event

Event: 'start'

  • proc <ChildProcess> The ChildProcess instance returned by ffmpeg.run()

The start event is emitted just after FFmpeg has been spawned. It is emitted with the Child_Process object, which was spawned when run() was called.

ffmpeg.on("start", function(proc) {
  console.log("Spawned FFmpeg with command: " + proc.spawnargs.join(" "));

Event: 'codecData'

  • proc <ChildProcess> The ChildProcess instance returned by ffmpeg.run()
  • data <object>
    • inputs <object[]> An array of object containing the FFmpeg input info with properties:
      • type <string> Always equals 'input'
      • index <number> Input index#
      • format <string> Container format string
      • url <string> URL of the input
      • duration <number> Total duration of the media content in seconds
      • start <number> Starting time in seconds
      • bitrate <number> Data bitrate in bits/s
      • metadata <object> (Optional) Key-value pairs
      • chapters <object[]> (Optional) Array of chapters
        • index <number> Chapter number
        • start <number> Starting time in seconds
        • end <number> Ending time in seconds
      • programs <object[]> (Optional) Array of programs
        • name <string> Program name or "-" for dangling streams
        • streams <object[]> Streams that are part of the program. See immediately below for its content.
      • streams <object> Contained streams (only if no program is defined)
        • index <number> Stream index
        • type <string> Stream type: "video"|"audio"|"subtitle"|"data"
        • codecdata <string[]> String array describing the various codec settings
        • disposition <string[]> Array of dispositions
        • sidedata <string> Side data
        • metadata <object> Key-value pairs
    • outputs <object[]> Array of object containing the FFmpeg output info. Its object content is identical to that of the inputs object except for the properties, duration, start, and bitrate are not included.

The codecData event is emitted when ffmpeg prints input and output codec information.

ffmpeg.on("codecData", function(data) {
  // assume both audio & video streams exist and no programs defined
  let audiocodec = data.inputs[0].streams
    .find(st => st.type === "audio")
    .codecdata[0].split(" ")[0];
  let videocodec = data.inputs[0].streams
    .find(st => (st.type = "video"))
    .codecdata[0].split(" ")[0];
  console.log(`Input is ${audiocodec} audio with ${videocodec} video`);

Event: 'progress'

  • proc <ChildProcess> The ChildProcess instance returned by ffmpeg.run()
  • status <object>
    • qp_hist <string> (Optional) 32-character qp histogram, which is printed when qphist global option is specified
    • frame <number> (Video only) # of frames processed
    • fps <number> (Video only) frame processing speed in frames/s
    • q <number|Number[]> (Video only) Video quality index. If more than one output video stream.
    • last <Boolean> (Video only) Present only if last progress event and reports true
    • psnr <object> (Video only) Reported PSNR values when psnr global(?) option is given.
      • y <number> PSNR of Y channel
      • u <number> PSNR of U channel
      • v <number> PSNR of V channel
      • * <number> Total PSNR
    • size <number> Current output file size in bytes
    • time <number> Current timestamp in seconds
    • bitrate <number> Current bitrate in bits/s
    • dup <number> Current number of duplicated frames
    • drop <number> Current number of dropped frames
    • speed <number> Current encoding speed relative to the playback speed

The progress event is emitted every time ffmpeg reports progress information.

To report the percent completed, the expected total duration shall be precomputed and compare status.time to it. For example, a full transcoding job outputs a media file that equals its duration to its input file. Thus, the duration of the output file could be retrieved from codecData event:

let T; // total time to be retrieved
  .on("codecData", (proc, data) => {
    T = data.inputs[0].duration;
  .on("progress", (proc, status) {
    console.log(`Processing: ${(status.time/T*100).toFixed(0)}% done");

For more complex jobs, predetermine the output duration by utilizing ffprobe/ffprobeSync.

Event 'close'

  • proc <ChildProcess> The ChildProcess instance returned by ffmpeg.run()
  • code <number> The exit code if proc exited on its own.
  • signal <string> The signal by which proc was terminated.

The 'close' event is a redirected event from the spawned ChildProcess object and is emitted when the stdio streams of a FFmpeg process have been closed. This is distinct from the 'end' event, since multiple processes might share the same stdio streams.

Event: 'disconnect'

  • proc <ChildProcess> The ChildProcess instance returned by ffmpeg.run()

The 'disconnect' event is a redirected event from the spawned ChildProcess object and is emitted after calling the proc.disconnect() method in parent process. After disconnecting it is no longer possible to send or receive messages, and the proc.connected property is false.

Event: 'error'

  • proc <ChildProcess> The ChildProcess instance returned by ffmpeg.run()
  • err <Error> Error object returned from proc

The error event is emitted when an error occurs when running FFmpeg. This includes proc emitting its own error event or proc exits with non-zero code or terminated by a signal or errors passed from underlying ChildProcess.

ffmpeg.on("error", (proc, err) => {
  console.error(`Cannot process video: `${err.message}`);

Event: 'end'

  • proc <ChildProcess> The ChildProcess instance returned by ffmpeg.run()
  • code <number> The exit code if proc exited on its own.
  • signal <string> The signal by which proc was terminated.

The end event is emitted when proc exited.

FFmpeg Examples

Save the output to a file

Starts ffmpeg processing and saves the output to a file.

new FFmpeg({
  inputs: "/path/to/file.avi",
  outputs: {
    url: "/path/to/output.mp4",
    options: { "c:v": "libx264", "c:a": "libmp3lame", vf: "scale=w=320:h=240" }
  .on("error", (proc, err) => {
    console.error("An error occurred: " + err.message);
  .on("end", () => {
    console.log("Processing finished !");

Pipe the output to a writable stream

Starts processing and pipes ffmpeg output to a writable stream.

var outStream = fs.createWriteStream("/path/to/output.mp4");

new FFmpeg({
  inputs: "/path/to/file.avi",
  outputs: {
    url: outStream,
    options: { "c:v": "libx264", "c:v": "libmp3lame", vf: "scale=w=320:h=240" }
  .on("error", (proc, err) => {
    console.error("An error occurred: " + err.message);
  .on("end", () => {
    console.log("Processing finished !");

If the connected streams are not available at a spawning time of the FFmpeg process, use "pipe:0" as the input url and "pipe:1" as the output url. The proc.stdin and proc.stdout streams can then be used to feed/retrieve data.

const proc = new FFmpeg({
  inputs: "/path/to/file.avi",
  outputs: {
    url: "pipe:1",
    options: { "c:v": "libx264", "c:v": "libmp3lame", vf: "scale=w=320:h=240" }
  .on("error", (proc, err) => {
    console.error("An error occurred: " + err.message);
  .on("end", () => {
    console.log("Processing finished !");

const outStream = fs.createWriteStream("/path/to/output.mp4");
  .on("data", data => {
  .on("close", () => outStream.end());

Produce multiple outputs

new FFmpeg({
  inputs: "/path/to/file.avi",
  outputs: [
    { url: "screenshot.png", options: { an: null, ss: 180 } },
      url: "small.avi",
      options: { "c:v": "copy", "c:a": "copy", vf: "scale=w=320:h=200" }
    { url: "big.avi", options: { "c:a": "copy", vf: "scale=w=640:h=480" } }
  .on("error", err => {
    console.error(`An error occurred: ${err.message}`);
  .on("end", () => {
    console.log("Processing finished !");

Concatenate multiple inputs

new FFmpeg({
  inputs: ["/path/to/part1.avi", "/path/to/part2.avi", "/path/to/part2.avi"],
  outputs: {url: "/path/to/merged.avi", map: ["[vout]","[aout]"]},
  global: {filter_complex: "[0:0] [0:1] [1:0] [1:1] [2:0] [2:1] concat=n=3:v=1:a=1 [vout] [aout]"}
  .on("error", function(err) {
    console.error(`An error occurred: ${err.message}`);
  .on("end", function() {
    console.log("Merging finished !");

Extract frames as images

// only one frame at 7-second mark
new FFmpeg({
  inputs: "/path/to/video.avi",
  outputs: { url: "thumb.jpg", options: { ss: 7, vframes: 1 } }
}).on("end", function() {
  console.log("Screenshots taken");

// three frames each separated by 1 second
new FFmpeg({
  inputs: "/path/to/video.avi",
  outputs: { url: "thumb%04d.jpg", options: { vf: "fps=1", vframes: 3 } }
}).on("end", function() {
  console.log("Screenshots taken");

Querying capabilities of the installed FFmpeg

kiss-ffmpeg FFmpeg class has read-only static class properties supported formats, codecs, encoders and filters.

FFmpeg.version; // FFmpeg version
FFmpeg.formats; // available formats (including devices)
FFmpeg.demuxers; // available demuxers
FFmpeg.muxers; // available muxers
FFmpeg.devices; // available devices
FFmpeg.codecs; // all known codecs
FFmpeg.encoders; // available encoders
FFmpeg.decoders; // available decoders
FFmpeg.bsfs; // available bitstream filters
FFmpeg.filters; // available filters
FFmpeg.pix_fmts; // available pixel formats
FFmpeg.sample_fmts; // available audio sample formats
FFmpeg.layouts; // channel names and standard channel layouts
FFmpeg.colors; // recognized color names

Some properties return an object with additional parameters for each entry while others return an string array.

Furthermore, there are static class methods to get more details:

FFmpeg.getMuxerInfo(name); // name: any of FFmpeg.muxers keys
FFmpeg.getDemuxerInfo(name); // name: any of FFmpeg.demuxers keys
FFmpeg.getEncoderInfo(name); // name: any of FFmpeg.encoders keys
FFmpeg.getDecoderInfo(name); // name: any of FFmpeg.decoders keys
FFmpeg.getBsfInfo(name); // name: any of FFmpeg.bsfs element
FFmpeg.getFilterInfo(name); // name: any of FFmpeg.filters keys

getXxxInfo() methods throw error if the name is invalid. To check check if the supplied FFmpeg binary supports the required feature, use supportsXxx() methods:

// returns true if supported, false otherwise

Spawning a bare FFmpeg process

kiss.ffmpeg FFmpeg class exposes low-level static functions to spawn FFmpeg process:

// asynchronous
FFmpeg.spawn(args:String[][, options:Object]) => <ChildProcess>

FFmpeg.spawnSync(args:String[][, options:Object]) => <Object>

They wrap Node.js's child_process.spawn and child_process.spawnSync, respectively, and their arguments are passed down unaltered to the respective arguments of the child_process functions.


Contributions in any form are highly encouraged and welcome! Be it new or improved presets, optimized streaming code or just some cleanup. So start forking!

Code contributions

If you want to add new features or change the API, please submit an issue first to make sure no one else is already working on the same thing and discuss the implementation and API details with maintainers and users by creating an issue. When everything is settled down, you can submit a pull request.

When fixing bugs, you can directly submit a pull request.

Make sure to add tests for your features and bugfixes and update the documentation (see below) before submitting your code!

Documentation contributions

You can directly submit pull requests for documentation changes. Make sure to regenerate the documentation before submitting (see below).


(The MIT License)

Copyright (c) 2019 Takeshi Ikuma <tikuma@gmail.com>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



A minimalistic NodeJS FFmpeg wrapper

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 93.5%Language:CSS 5.8%Language:Shell 0.7%