hoeck / typesafe-query-builder

Generate SQL queries leveraging type inference and Postgres Json functions

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Typesafe Query Builder

Create and fetch PostgresSQL selects, joins and JSON aggregations and let Typescript infer the resulting data type.


npm install typesafe-query-builder or yarn add typesafe-query-builder

Getting Started

Step 1: Define your Schema

Write your database schema in typescript:

import { table, column } from 'typesafe-query-builder'

export const Systems = table('systems', {
  id: column('id').integer(),
  name: column('user_id').integer(),

export const Users = table('games', {
  id: column('id').integer().default(),
  title: column('name').string(),
  system: column('system_id').number(),
Step 2: Get a Postgres Connection
import { Client } from 'pg'

export const client = new Client({...})

await client.connect()
Step 3/a: Write your Query with joins
import { query } from 'typesafe-query-builder'

const systemsAndGames = await query(Systems)
  .join(Games, ({ eq }) => eq(Games.systemId, Systems.id))
  .select(Systems.all(), Games.include('title'))

// => [
//   {id: 1, name: 'Switch', title: 'Mario Kart'},
//   {id: 2, name: 'Playstation 4', title: 'The Last of Us', },
//   {id: 2, name: 'Playstation 4', title: 'Uncharted 4'},
// ]

// Result has the correct type inferred from the schema
const name: string = systemsAndGames[0].name

// Error: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string':
const label: string = systemsAndGames[0].id
Step 3/b: Write your queries with JSON-Subselects
import { query } from 'typesafe-query-builder'

const systemsAndGames = await query(Systems)
  .select(Systems.all(), (subquery) =>
      .selectJsonObjectArray({ key: 'games' }, Games.include('id', 'title'))
      .where(({ eq }) => eq(Games.systemId, Systems.id)),

// receive a ready-to-use nested JSON object
// => [
//   {
//     id: 1,
//     name: 'Switch',
//     games: [
//       {
//         id: 1,
//         title: 'Mario Kart',
//       },
//     ]
//   },
//   {
//     id: 2,
//     name: 'Playstation 4',
//     games: [
//       {
//         id: 2,
//         title: 'The Last of Us',
//       },
//       {
//         id: 3,
//         title: 'Uncharted 4',
//       },
//     ]
//   },
// ]

Design Decisions / Opinions

  • Postgres only: to keep things simple and use the full power of JSON functions and aggregates
  • Immutable builder API: build complex queries step by step out of smaller parts
  • Task Oriented: limit the API to what can be sensibly typed with Typescript and to mundane tasks typically done with an orm such as simple joins, selects, subqueries, inserts and updates.


  • support another database
  • being a generic sql query builder

Ideas / Roadmap / Todos

V4 cleanups

  • add a leading _ to all internal methods / fields (=== those which are not defined in src/types) to make it clear when console.logging query objects that _ methods are all internal

V4 and beyond ideas

  • query
    • query.NOW constant that will generate an sql now() function call to use in insert and where expression params
    • add assertNotNull() to remove null from the inferred type for a subselect by using a runtime check
    • custom sql query escape hatch:
      • provide templating utilities/helpers to write sql queries that use the schema for
        • mapping db column names to schema column names
        • to generate boilerplate (e.g. long select lists and tedious json_build_object expressions)
        • to enforce runtime type safety and to infer a queries result type (via the runtype)
      • maybe:
      const customQuery = sql(sql.columnsList(Manufacturers), {
        system: sql.columnsJson(Systems),
        SELECT ${sql.columnsList(Manufacturers)},
               ${sql.columnsJson(Systems)} AS system
        FROM ${sql(Manufacturers)}
        JOIN ${sql(Systems)} ON ${sql(Systems.manufacturerId)} = ${sql(
        WHERE ${sql(Manufacturers.name)} ilike '%a%'
          AND ${sql(Manufacturers.id)} IN ${sql.paramArrayOf(Manufacturers.id, 'ids')}
        ORDER BY ${sql(Systems.name)} DESC
      • cons (compared to builder queries):
        • repetition
        • might fail at runtime (when the query has a syntax or runtype type error
        • needs a prettier sql plugin & embedded prettier sql formatting to work, otherwise lots of manual indentation are required
        • limited autocompletion so tables, no autocompletion for the sql
        • no typechecking for used columns & tables
      • pros:
        • express any complicated postgres query using latest pg features
        • keep queries bound to the schema & runtype checked against it
        • easily extendable with new utilities
    • use nominal types as primary and foreign keys in table definitions to enable type-checking joins
    • add support for "first N items of group" joins via CROSS/LEFT JOIN LATERAL (SELECT ... WHERE <lateral-join-condition> ORDER BY ... LIMIT ...) [ON true] see the excellent answers of Mr. Brandstetter:
    • add an alias(aliasName): Table method to Table to be able to use the same table many times in a query via an explicit alias
    • add union and unionAll for merging queries

Local Development

yarn to fetch all deps

yarn test-database:start to start a dockered postgres server that loads the test schema

yarn test-database:psql to start a psql connected to the test database

yarn test:watch to run the tests in watch mode

Similar Projects

Query Builders

  • Zapatos
    • write sql using template strings and typed schema objects for type inference.
    • developed into a library from Mostly ORMLess by the same author
  • tsql
  • MassiveJS
    • pg only
  • Prisma 2
  • ts-typed-sql
    • Unmaintained, 2018
  • Mammoth
    • covers every SQL feature (WITH, subqueries, JSON functions etc.)
  • Vulcyn
    • like a really basic version of mammoth or this project
    • seems unmaintained
  • PgTyped
    • different (but awesome) approach: parse SQL queries in your code and generate types for them
  • postguard
    • derive the types from a generated schema
    • parse queries in the code from sql template tags and validate them
  • typed-query-builder
    • db-agnostic (atm. MS-SQL only) and its own in memory DB for testing
    • covers every SQL feature incl. functions, WITH, ...
  • Kysely
    • tries to be a universal query builder
    • makes heavy use of typescript template literals (making it look similar to knex)
    • schema made up of plain typescript interfaces
    • db agnostic
  • Crudely Typed
    • relies on interfaces generated from the schema with pg-to-ts


  • Orchid-ORM
    • flexible query builder using a mix of chaining methods and light usage of template literals
    • works on a predefined schema
  • Typetta
    • full support for typed joins, projections
    • uses GraphQL to model the schema
  • Drizzle
    • provides a typesafe query builder and a classic findEntities like interface
    • complete with migration support and CRUD handling
    • zero deps

Related Reddit Threads


Generate SQL queries leveraging type inference and Postgres Json functions

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%