hoc081098 / hoc081098

Hi there 👋, I'm Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học

Home Page:https://pub.dev/packages/rx_shared_preferences

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

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Contact Rx Mobile Team via https://rx-mobile-team.github.io/profile/ for work 🤟

A self-taught senior developer (Android, iOS, Flutter, NestJs) with 5+ years of experience (since 2018 Summer), has a strong knowledge of Clean Architecture, MVVM, MVI, Reactive Programming (RxJava/RxKotlin, RxSwift, rxdart, RxJs, Kotlinx Coroutines Flow, ...), Kotlin/Android, Dart/Flutter, iOS/Swift. Official RxDart maintainer 🤟

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ReactiveX Kotlin Android Swift iOS Flutter Dart

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My apps

GPS speedometer Track distance

You can install the production app via Get it on Google Play

GPS speedometer can easily track / measure your speed (in km/h or m/s), your distance (in km or m), your time, your current location and show your location in map, with beautiful route. Motorcycle GPS Speedometer app will measure your traveling speed and when speed exceed limit alarm will start warning alarm with sound and vibration. Distance tracking app supports different speed units like kilometer per hour (km/h), meter per second (m/s) and ...

Libraries and packages (Kotlin/Android, iOS/Swift and Flutter/Dart)

Kotlin Multiplatform




  1. RxDart official maintainer https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxdart/commits?author=hoc081098 - An implementation of the popular ReactiveX api for asynchronous programming, leveraging the native Dart Streams API.
  2. rx_shared_preferences (https://pub.dev/packages/rx_shared_preferences, https://github.com/hoc081098/rx_shared_preferences) - Reactive shared preferences for Flutter.
  3. rx_redux (https://pub.dev/packages/rx_redux, https://github.com/hoc081098/rx_redux) - Redux implementation based on Dart Stream, with the power of RxDart. Reactive redux store for Dart & Flutter.
  4. disposebag (https://pub.dev/packages/disposebag, https://github.com/hoc081098/disposebag) - A package helps to cancel StreamSubscriptions and close Sinks.
  5. flutter_disposebag (https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_disposebag, https://github.com/Flutter-Dart-Open-Source/flutter_disposebag) - Automatically disposes StreamSubscriptions and closes Sinks when disposing State<T>.
  6. sqlbrite (https://pub.dev/packages/sqlbrite, https://github.com/hoc081098/sqlbrite) - Reactive stream wrapper around sqflite for Flutter inspired by sqlbrite.
  7. stream_loader (https://pub.dev/packages/stream_loader, https://github.com/hoc081098/stream_loader) - Loading content asynchronously with Dart stream.
  8. rxdart_ext (https://pub.dev/packages/rxdart_ext, https://github.com/hoc081098/rxdart_ext) - Some extension methods and classes built on top of RxDart.
  9. rx_storage (https://pub.dev/packages/rx_storage, https://github.com/Flutter-Dart-Open-Source/rx_storage) - Reactive storage for Dart/Flutter. RxDart Storage for Dart/Flutter.
  10. listenable_stream (https://pub.dev/packages/listenable_stream, https://github.com/Flutter-Dart-Open-Source/listenable_stream) - Convert Listenable (eg. ChangeNotifier), ValueListenable(eg. ValueNotifier) to Stream/ValueStream.
  11. distinct_value_connectable_stream (https://pub.dev/packages/distinct_value_connectable_stream, https://github.com/hoc081098/distinct_value_connectable_stream) - Distinct value connectable stream for RxDart, useful for BLoC pattern.
  12. did_change_dependencies (https://pub.dev/packages/did_change_dependencies, https://github.com/hoc081098/did_change_dependencies) - Return a Stream that emits null and done event when didChangeDependencies is called for the first time.
  13. dart_either (https://pub.dev/packages/dart_either, https://github.com/hoc081098/dart_either) - Either monad for Dart, including monad comprehensions.
  14. flutter_bloc_pattern (https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_bloc_pattern, https://github.com/hoc081098/flutter_bloc_pattern) - Base class, BLoC provider and rxdart builder for BLoC pattern in Flutter.
  15. flutter_provider (https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_provider, https://github.com/hoc081098/flutter_provider) - Flutter generic provider using InheritedWidget. An helper to easily exposes a value using InheritedWidget without having to write one.
  16. cancellation_token_hoc081098 (https://pub.dev/packages/cancellation_token_hoc081098, https://github.com/hoc081098/cancellation_token_hoc081098) - Dart Cancellation Token. Inspired by CancellationToken in C#. A Dart utility package for easy async task cancellation.
  17. http_client_hoc081098 (https://pub.dev/packages/http_client_hoc081098, https://github.com/hoc081098/http_client_hoc081098) - Simple and powerful HTTP client for Flutter and Dart application.


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Hi there 👋, I'm Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học


License:MIT License


Language:Dart 75.0%Language:Kotlin 25.0%