hoangnam2261 / data-importer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SDLC Document Import Tool


  • JDK 11
  • MySQL server 8.0

Link to ERD


How to run mysql in docker

  1. Get mysql image docker pull mysql/mysql-server:8.0
  2. Run docker docker run --name=mysql1 -p3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=sdlc -e MYSQL_DATABASE=sdlc_poc -e MYSQL_USER=sdlc -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=sdlc -e MYSQL_ONETIME_PASSWORD=false -d mysql/mysql-server:8.0
  3. Connecting to MySQL Server from within the Container to change root password
    docker exec -it mysql1 mysql -uroot -p
    ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sdlc';

4.Run sql file sdlc_schema_20201013.sql in container: https://dev.to/n350071/login-to-mysql-on-docker-and-run-a-sql-file-2bk7

Quick Start

  1. Run MySQL server
  2. Edit database settings on src/main/resources/application-default.yml
        url: jdbc:mysql://{mysql server host}:{port}/{database}?useSSL=false
        username: {username}
        password: {password}
  3. Build teh schema in the database w/ DDL.
  4. Run the service
    ./gradlew bootRun

Code formatting

We use (google code style)[https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html]. You might be able to find the code formatter setting file written for your editor here: https://github.com/google/styleguide

Unit Test

Unit test is integrated in the build process. You also can run the tests as below. bash ./gradlew test


  1. Building with Gradle
    ./gradlew build


  1.  ./gradlew bootRun --args="--proc=import --dir=C:\Users\LW81343\Desktop\base_code1\data-importer\testdata\root_folder --project=projectA"  
    There are 3 command-line parameters:
    • proc: this is name of process you want to run: import for "import HTML file to mysql"
    • dir (required) : this is the path to rootFolder. The rootFolder contains all project Folders like: projectA, projectB
    • project (optional): If do not provide this option, the application will process all folders in root folder.

Update policy

  • In project folder, if it had any files(with .html extension) in that, application will delete all data related to that project includes: project, urs, frs, urs detail, frs detail, ... Otherwise, it will skip.


  • update logic according to clarification in forums.
  • category classes by configuration
  • code format



Language:Java 100.0%