hmusta / DYNAMIC

Dynamic succinct/compressed data structures

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DYNAMIC: a succinct and compressed fully-dynamic data structures library


The main contributors to the library are:

The library has also received many contributions from other researchers: we wish to thank Mikhail Karasikov, Erik Garrison, and Chris Barber for adding many useful features. We are also very grateful to Adam Novak, Jan StudenĂ˝, Uula Ulkuniemi, and Michael R. Crusoe for useful bug reports and suggestions.

Please cite this library as:

title={A Framework of Dynamic Data Structures for String Processing},
author={Prezza, Nicola},
booktitle={International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms},
organization={Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)}

Data structures

NEW: Delete (Remove) operations are now available on most structures! (indel = insertions + deletions)

This library offers space- and time-efficient implementations of some basic succinct/compressed dynamic data structures. DYNAMIC features:

  • A succinct Searchable Partial Sums with Indels (SPSI) structure representing a list of integers s_1, s_2, ..., s_m. Space: about 1.2 * m * ( log(M/m) + log log m ) bits, where M = m + s_1 + s_2 + ... + s_m. The structure supports also update operations (i.e. s_i = s_i + delta).
  • A Succinct dynamic bitvector supporting rank/select/access/Indel (RSAI) operations. Space: about 1.2 * n bits.
  • A gap-compressed dynamic bitvector supporting rank/select/access/Indel operations. Space: about 1.2 * b * ( log(n/b) + log log b ) bits, b being the number of bits set and n being the bitvector length. All operations take log(b) time.
  • A dynamic sparse vector (of integers) with access/Indel operations.
  • A dynamic string supporting rank/select/access/Indel operations. The user can choose at construction time between fixed-length/gamma/Huffman encoding of the alphabet. All operations take log(n) * log(sigma) time (or log(n) * H0 with Huffman encoding).
  • A run-length encoded dynamic string supporting rank/select/access/insert operations (removes are not yet implemented). Space: approximately R*(1.2 * log(sigma) + 2.4 * (log(n/R)+log log R) ) bits, where R is the number of runs in the string. All operations take log(R) time.
  • A dynamic (left-extend only) entropy/run-length compressed BWT
  • A dynamic (left-extend only) entropy/run-length compressed FM-index. This structure consists in the above BWT + a dynamic suffix array sampling


  • Two algorithms to build LZ77 in repetition-aware RAM working space. Both algorithms use a run-length encoded BWT with sparse Suffix array sampling. The first algorithm stores 2 SA samples per BWT run. The second algorithm (much more space efficient) stores 1 SA sample per LZ factor. From the papers "Computing LZ77 in Run-Compressed Space", Alberto Policriti and Nicola Prezza, DCC2016 and " LZ77 Computation Based on the Run-Length Encoded BWT", Alberto Policriti and Nicola Prezza (Algorithmica)
  • An algorithm to build the BWT in run-compressed space
  • An algorithm to build LZ77 in nH0(2+o(1)) space and n * log n * H0 time. From the paper "Fast Online Lempel-Ziv Factorization in Compressed Space", Alberto Policriti and Nicola Prezza, SPIRE2015
  • An algorithm to build the BWT in high-order compressed space. The algorithm runs in O(n * H_k * log log n) average-case time (e.g. good for DNA) and O(n * H_k * log n) worst-case time. From the paper "Average linear time and compressed space construction of the Burrows-Wheeler transform" Policriti A., Gigante N. and Prezza N., LATA 2015 (the paper discusses a theoretically faster variant)

The SPSI structure is the building block on which all other structures are based. This structure is implemented with cache-efficient B-trees.


  • Implement remove operations on rle_string, bwt, and fm_index
  • Dynamic wavelet matrices
  • Implement a good memory allocator. At the moment the default allocator is used, which results in about 25% of memory being wasted due to fragmentation
  • Geometric data structures (predecessor/2D range search)
  • Batch inserts


git clone


Thre library features some example executables. To compile them, firstly create and enter a bin/ directory

mkdir bin; cd bin

Then, launch cmake as (default build type is release):

cmake ..

Finally, build the executables:


The above command creates the executables in the bin directory.


The header include/dynamic.hpp contains all type definitions and is all you need to include in your code. The folder algorithms/ contains some algorithms implemented with the library's structures. This is a snapshot of dynamic.hpp:

 * a succinct searchable partial sum with inserts implemented with cache-efficient
 * B trees.
typedef spsi<packed_vector,256,16> packed_spsi;

 * dynamic gap-encoded bitvector
typedef gap_bitvector<packed_spsi> gap_bv;

 * dynamic succinct bitvector (about 1.2n bits)
typedef succinct_bitvector<spsi<packed_vector,8192,16> > suc_bv;

 * succinct/compressed dynamic string implemented with wavelet trees.
 * user can choose (at construction time) between fixed-length / gamma / Huffman encoding of characters.
typedef wt_string<suc_bv> wt_str;

 * run-length encoded (RLE) string. This string uses 1 sparse bitvector
 * for all runs, one dynamic string for run heads, and sigma sparse bitvectors (one per character)
typedef rle_string<gap_bv, wt_str> rle_str;

 * RLE string implemented with a run-length encoded wavelet tree. Each
 * WT node is run-length encoded. 
typedef wt_string<rle_str> wtrle_str;

 * succinct/compressed BWT (see description of wt_str)
typedef bwt<wt_str,rle_str> wt_bwt;

 * run-length encoded BWT
typedef bwt<rle_str,rle_str> rle_bwt;

 * dynamic sparse vector: <= m*k + O(m log n/m) bits of space, where k is the maximum
 * number of bits of any integer > 0 and n is the total number of integers.
typedef sparse_vector<packed_spsi,gap_bv> sparse_vec;

 * dynamic succinct/entropy compressed FM index. BWT positions are
 * marked with a succinct bitvector
 * roughly n*H0 + n + (n/k)*log n bits of space, where k is the SA sample  rate
typedef fm_index<wt_bwt, suc_bv, packed_spsi> wt_fmi;

 * dynamic run-length encoded FM index. BWT positions are
 * marked with a gap-encoded bitvector.
 * roughly 2.4*R*log(n/R) + 2.4 log log R + 1.2*R*log(sigma) + (n/k)*log n bits of  space, where
 * k is the SA sample rate and R is the number of runs in the BWT
typedef fm_index<rle_bwt, gap_bv, packed_spsi> rle_fmi;


Dynamic succinct/compressed data structures

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 99.3%Language:CMake 0.7%