hmitrea / Tic-Tac-Toe

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tic Tac Toe

A simple Tic Tac Toe game which will display the user who won, be able to restart the game, nice visual UI (could go on and on)

To Start

yarn install then yarn start


  • Build a project in react utilizing hooks to showcase my skills and where I am at
  • Technologies which would be used: React Hooks, MUI, Yarn, Jest.
  • Should follow the basic logic of Tic Tac Toe allowing a winner and tie, ability to restart the game.
  • Should be broken up into different components, easy to read and follow


At the end of the week(Satruday April 16th) it'll be deployed (on Github Pages or Heroku)

Current Progress

Monday April 11th: Utilized create-react-app(yarn), moved all the components, styling, testing in appropriate folders. Build the board, alongside the logic which allows the user to click on a box and change it's value. User Cannot click on the same box twice, Button to restart the game.

Tuesday April 12th: Continued working in the Winner component and through many conditionals got to have displayed the correct combos of XO, however it needs to be able to be displayed on the Screen so the user can see not just in the console. The code if time allows should be refactored.

Wed April 13: Figured out the bug and used the useState hook to figure out how to showcase the winnner, it's only done if the user presses the button for now(should be done in an asnyc manner). If the user double presses on a symbol, it could change it so gotta iron that out. For the next few days add some nice style to the page and then deploy it When debugging I also learned to write the things I tried not to do them to often because I panick and repeat things sometimes.

Thurs April 14: No updates for today. Got caught up with other things.



Language:JavaScript 71.4%Language:HTML 21.1%Language:CSS 7.5%