hligaty / haibaracp-spring-boot-starter

Starter for SFTP file store. File transfer is easily accomplished through SftpTemplate, which is the same as the Spring Data XxxTemplate template class. Use Commons-pool2 as connection pool.

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Github:hligaty/haibaracp-spring-boot-starter: SFTP Connect Pool (github.com)

Gitee:haibaracp-spring-boot-starter: SFTP Connect Pool (gitee.com)

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HaibaraCP is a SpringBoot Starter for SFTP, which supports password and key login and multiple Host connections, and provides an easy-to-use SftpTemplate. SFTP uses SSH to establish connections, but the number of SSH connections is limited by default. Connections other than 10 will have a 30% probability of connection failure. When there are more than 100 connections, it will refuse to create new connections. Therefore, avoid frequent creation of new connections.

Maven repository

spring boot version haibaracp
2.x.x 1.3.2
3.x.x 2.1.2

Dependence Apache commons-pool2:



See the automatic prompt of the development tool for detailed description of configuration properties.

Password login

  enabled-log: false
  host: localhost
  port: 22
  username: root
  password: 123456
  kex: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256

Key login

  enabled-log: false
  host: localhost
  port: 22
  username: root
  strict-host-key-checking: true
  key-path: C:\\Users\\user\\.ssh\\id_rsa
  password: Jui8cv@kK9!0
  kex: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256

Connect Pool

    min-idle: 1
    max-idle: 8
    max-active: 8
    max-wait: -1
    test-on-borrow: true
    test-on-return: false
    test-while-idle: true
    time-between-eviction-runs: 600000
    min-evictable-idle-time-millis: 1800000


HaibaraCP provides the SftpTemplate class, which is used in the same way as the RedisTemplate provided by spring-boot-starter-data-redis, and it can be used by injecting it in any way:

public class XXXService {
  private final SftpTemplate<SftpSession> sftpTemplate;

  public XXXService(SftpTemplate<SftpSession> sftpTemplate) {
    this.sftpTemplate = sftpTemplate;

  public void service(String from, OutputStream to) throws Exception {
    sftpTemplate.download(from, to);


  • SFTP operations can change the working directory, so the framework resets the working directory to the original directory before the connection is returned to the pool. Note that this only resets the remote working path, not the local working path (usually you don't care about the local working path).

The following instructions are all explained using the configuration in the Configuration section, so the work directory is /root.


Upload a file, the method will recursively create the parent directory where the uploaded remote file is located.

// upload D:\\aptx4869.docx to /home/haibara/aptx4869.docx
sftpTemplate.upload("D:\\aptx4869.docx", "/home/haibara/aptx4869.docx");

// upload D:\\aptx4869.pdf to /root/haibara/aptx4869.pdf
sftpTemplate.upload("D:\\aptx4869.pdf", "haibara/aptx4869.pdf");

// upload D:\\aptx4869.doc to /root/aptx4869.doc
sftpTemplate.upload("D:\\aptx4869.doc", "aptx4869.doc");


Download a file, the method will only create the downloaded local file, not the parent directory of the local file.

// download /home/haibara/aptx4869.docx to D:\\aptx4869.docx
sftpTemplate.download("/home/haibara/aptx4869.docx", "D:\\aptx4869.docx");

// download /root/haibara/aptx4869.pdf to D:\\aptx4869.pdf
sftpTemplate.download("haibara/aptx4869.pdf", "D:\\aptx4869.pdf");

// download /root/aptx4869.doc to D:\\aptx4869.doc
sftpTemplate.download("aptx4869.doc", "D:\\aptx4869.doc");


Tests whether a file exists.

// Tests whether /home/haibara/aptx4869.pdf exists
boolean result1 = sftpTemplate.exists("/home/haibara/aptx4869.pdf");
// Tests whether /root/haibara/aptx4869.docx exists
boolean result2 = sftpTemplate.exists("haibara/aptx4869.docx");
// Tests whether /root/aptx4869.doc exists
boolean result3 = sftpTemplate.exists("aptx4869.doc");


View a list of files or directories.

// View file /home/haibara/aptx4869.pdf
LsEntry[] list1 = sftpTemplate.list("/home/haibara/aptx4869.pdf");
// View file /root/haibara/aptx4869.docx
LsEntry[] list2 = sftpTemplate.list("haibara/aptx4869.docx");
// View file /root/aptx4869.doc
LsEntry[] list3 = sftpTemplate.list("aptx4869.doc");

// View dir list /home/haibara
LsEntry[] list4 = sftpTemplate.list("/home/haibara");
// View dir list /root/haibara
LsEntry[] list5 = sftpTemplate.list("haibara");


execute(SftpCallback action) is used to perform custom SFTP operations, such as viewing the SFTP default directory (for other uses of ChannelSftp, please refer to the API of jsch):

String dir = sftpTemplate.execute(ChannelSftp::pwd);

Jsch's channelsftp provides many basic methods, which are a little inconvenient for execute. You can use channelsftpwrapper class to use channelsftp more conveniently. All methods of sftptemplate are also implemented through it.


executeWithoutResult(SftpCallbackWithoutResult action) is used to perform custom SFTP operations with no return value, such as download file (for other uses of ChannelSftp, please refer to jsch's API):

try (OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("/root/aptx4869.doc"))) {
  sftpTemplate.executeWithoutResult(channelSftp -> channelSftp.get("aptx4869.doc", outputStream));


A factory used for creating SftpSession, which you will use when you need to customize the creation of a Jsch Session or extend the functionality of SftpSession, such as:

@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class SftpConfiguration {

    public SftpSessionFactory sftpSessionFactory(ClientProperties clientProperties, PoolProperties poolProperties) {
        return new SftpSessionFactory(clientProperties, poolProperties) {
            public SftpSession getSftpSession(ClientProperties clientProperties) {
                return new XxSftpSession(clientProperties);
    public static class XxSftpSession extends SftpSession {
        private Channel fooChannel;
        public FooSftpSession(ClientProperties clientProperties) {

        protected Session createJschSession(ClientProperties clientProperties) throws Exception {
            Session jschSession = super.createJschSession(clientProperties);
            fooChannel = jschSession.openChannel("foo");
            return jschSession;

        public Channel getFooChannel() {
            return xxChannel;

    public SftpTemplate<FooSftpSession> sftpTemplate(SftpSessionFactory sftpSessionFactory) {
        return new SftpTemplate<>(sftpSessionFactory);

Then, you can use it in the SftpTemplate like this:

sftpTemplate.executeSessionWithoutResult(sftpSession -> {
    Channel fooChannel = sftpSession.getFooChannel();

Key format

The key format generated by openssh 7.8 is changed from




Haibaracp uses jsch as the implementation of SFTP, and jsch does not support the new format, so you need some small changes:

  1. If the key is generated by you, just add - M PEM after the ssh-keygen command to generate the old key and continue to use it.
  2. If you can't get the old version key by yourself, you must change the POM and change the jsch of jcraft to the jsch Library of others' fork (there is no message after the 0.1.55 version pushed by jcraft in 2018), for example:


Otherwise you will see JSchException: invalid privatekey.



Thanks for free JetBrains Open Source license


Starter for SFTP file store. File transfer is easily accomplished through SftpTemplate, which is the same as the Spring Data XxxTemplate template class. Use Commons-pool2 as connection pool.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%