hldr4 / ES-ID_GV

Spanish ID (DNI, NIE, NIF/CIF) generator and checker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sources (thanks!)


No commandline functionlity currently, so just edit the functions inside the python file or import them into your own code as you need.


  • Verify:
test_ids = [
  "55883808H",  # pass, DNI
  "X2607448F",  # pass, NIE
  "D71897094",  # pass, CIF ending with control digit
  "D7189709D",  # pass, CIF ending with control letter
  "P7189709D",  # pass, CIF obligatory ending with control letter
  "A12345674", # pass, CIF obligatory ending with control digit
  "DD1897094",  # fail, starts with two letters
  "D718970940",  # fail, exceeds length requirement
  "I71897094",  # fail, starts with an invalid letter
  "D7189709I",  # fail, ends with an invalid letter

for id in test_ids:

ID type: DNI | ID: 55883808H | Control letter/digit: H
ID type: NIE | ID: X2607448F | Control letter/digit: F
ID type: CIF | ID: D71897094 | Control letter/digit: 4 | Entity type: Sociedad Comanditaria | Province: Navarra
ID type: CIF | ID: D71897094 | Control letter/digit: 4 | Entity type: Sociedad Comanditaria | Province: Navarra
ID type: CIF | ID: P7189709D | Control letter/digit: D | Entity type: Corporación Local | Province: Navarra
ID type: CIF | ID: A12345674 | Control letter/digit: 4 | Entity type: Sociedad Anónima | Province: Castellón
Invalid ID pattern
Invalid ID pattern
Invalid ID pattern
Invalid ID pattern
  • Generate:
## Generate 5 IDs of CIF type, for Sociedad Anonima entity type from Valencia
gen(5, 'C', 'A', 'Valencia')

ID type: CIF | ID: A96033402 | Control letter/digit: 2 | Entity type: Sociedad Anónima | Province: Valencia
ID type: CIF | ID: A96514013 | Control letter/digit: 3 | Entity type: Sociedad Anónima | Province: Valencia
ID type: CIF | ID: A96415005 | Control letter/digit: 5 | Entity type: Sociedad Anónima | Province: Valencia
ID type: CIF | ID: A96285242 | Control letter/digit: 2 | Entity type: Sociedad Anónima | Province: Valencia
ID type: CIF | ID: A96166780 | Control letter/digit: 0 | Entity type: Sociedad Anónima | Province: Valencia

For further details study the code


Spanish ID (DNI, NIE, NIF/CIF) generator and checker


Language:Python 100.0%