hkrish / vimxcode

Vim plugin for effortlessly configuring, building and running Xcode projects from right inside Vim.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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/* vim plugin to configure, build, and run Xcode projects */

/* Using Pathogen */
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vimXcode


vim plugin to configure, build, and run Xcode projects

##Installation ###Using Pathogen

$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vimXcode

##Using vimXcode

vimXcode should find the Xcode project file automatically, even when they are inside a subdirectory of the root folder. if the plugin can't find the xcode project ( *.xcodeproj ). Then try creating a file named .xvim in the root folder of your project.

$ cd <root_folder_of_your_project>
$ touch .xvim

###Building and Running while in NORMAL mode,

  • press <F5> to build and see errors if any
  • press <F6> to build and run if there are no errors

###Configuring Following vim commands are currently implemented

  • :XcodeChooseSDK - Choose a supported SDK installed on your system
  • :XcodeChooseTarget - Choose a build target
  • :XcodeChooseConfiguration - Choose a build Configuration. Debug, Release *
  • :XcodeChooseArchitecture - Choose an Architecture from the valid architecture list

By default vimXcode builds projects in Debug configuration.

All of the configuration settings last only the current vim session. vimXcode does not mess around with your project files.


Vim plugin for effortlessly configuring, building and running Xcode projects from right inside Vim.


Language:Vim Script 100.0%