hkfuertes / tags

THE app to reuse NFC cards in Home Assistant

Repository from Github https://github.comhkfuertes/tagsRepository from Github https://github.comhkfuertes/tags


Simple proxy app to trigger Home Assistant tag by reusing nfc cards/tags (i.e. Metro card).


Any NFC card/tag read without any android-compatible payload, will be read, and the app will send a signal with the card ID to Home Assistant, via Intent or via API.

On the main Screen select, create or edit a connector, and thats it. If the app detects any Home Assitant Companion App it automagically will show as a posible connector.

Use the "Nothing" connector to see the card's id to create the counterpart in Home Assitant acordingly. As the name suggest, it will trigger nothing.

Any Home Assitant App connector will use the Intent method, any other Connector will trigger the Home Assitant api and thus will require a Personal Access Token (Long-lived access token)


Head to releases to grab the latest APK.

Pro Tip

Use this app with Magisk module NfcScreenOff to convert an spare Nfc enabled phone into an RFID reader for Home Assitant.


  • Tweak "Tag Scanned" Screen
  • If card has HA payload, use the that id instead
  • Test read wifi network and list available networks.
    • Optional: If set, we can do any of the actions based on the location (via wifi availability/connection)


THE app to reuse NFC cards in Home Assistant


Language:Kotlin 100.0%