hjrnunes / clj-gapi

Clojure Google Web Service API Client

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A simple client for Google web service APIs that are described by the discovery document API. See https://developers.google.com/console for a full list of APIs that can be addressed by this. Ensure that a console project has been created for any access you wish to do!


Quick Start

For very simple API access, you can make an immediate call - in this case to the Google+ API.

(def auth (gapi.auth/create-auth "YOUR_API_KEY"))
(im auth "plus.activities/search" {"query" "clojure"})

Namespace Usage

The library can generate a series of functions in a namespace based on the API name

(def auth (gapi.auth/create-auth "YOUR_API_KEY"))
(api-ns auth "https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/plus/v1/rest")

This will generate an API based on the Google+ service, and will implicitly include the supplied auth example, so you wont need it for future calls. We will now have names such that map to the resources and functions for the activities. For example gapi.plus.activites/search.

(def results (gapi.plus.activities/search {"query" "clojure"}))
(pprint (map #(str (%1 :url) "-" (%1 :title)) (results :items)))

Each generated function has accompanying documentation metadata which can be accessed with the standard doc command.

Other Usage

To list the available APIs and version, you can query the discovery document:

(pprint (list-apis))

For simple API access, we need to pass in our API key to the auth class. This requires a key generated from a project in the Google developers API console at https://developers.google.com/console. Create a project and go to "API Access" on the left and look for the Simple API Access API key

(def auth (gapi.auth/create-auth "YOUR_API_KEY"))

To retrieve the calls for an API, you pass in the API string. In this case, the Google+ public data API.

(def service (build "https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/plus/v1/rest"))

Too see which methods are available:

(list-methods service)
(print (get-doc service "plus.people/listByActivity"))
(get-scopes service "plus.people/listByActivity")

To call a function, we need to pass in the auth and the params.

(def results (call auth service "plus.activities/search"  {"query" "clojure"}))
(map #(str (%1 :url) "-" (%1 :title)) (results :items))

To use OAuth2, we need to generate a ClientID and ClientSecret, and set a redirect URL. We can create a new "web application" client in the Google developers console

(def auth (gapi.auth/create-auth "YOUR_CLIENT_ID" 

We then need to generate a token URL to authenticate against. The user will be redirected back to the redirect_url, which GET parameters for code and state, which we can use to exchange a token. We'll need to define any scopes we need to authenticate. Here we'll use the scopes for creating an activity in Google+ history:

(def scopes ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me" "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/urlshortener"])
(gapi.auth/generate-auth-url auth scopes)
(gapi.auth/exchange-token auth "CODE" "STATE")

To make a call, we can then use the service as before

(def me (call auth service "plus.people/get" {"userId" "me"}))
(pprint (me :displayName))

We can write as well. For example, here we can use the URL shortener API (which you'll need to enable in the developer API console!) to create a short URL to clojure.org:

(def service (build "https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/urlshortener/v1/rest"))
(def result (call auth service "urlshortener.url/insert" {} {"longUrl" "http://clojure.org"}))
(pprint result)


Copyright (C) 2012 Google

Distributed under the Apache 2.0 license


Clojure Google Web Service API Client