hjens / lya_igm_rt

Code for calculating the visibility of LAEs through the IGM

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This package contains a number of scripts to calculate the visibility of Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) through the intergalactic medium (IGM), using output from C2-Ray/CubeP3M. The main part of the code is called SimpleTransfer, and is a simplified and parallelized version of Peter Laursen's IGMtransfer (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010arXiv1012.2886L). It takes away some of IGMtransfer's features, such as support for an adaptive mesh, and adds some new capabilities such as the possibility to specify sightline directions and take advantage of periodic boundary conditions.

SimpleTransfer takes as its input boxes containing the density and velocities of neutral hydrogen in the IGM, along with positions of LAEs. It then calculates the transmission function of Lyman-alpha along some specified sightline directions for each halo. For more information about how these calculations are done, see Laursen 2010 (link above).

Given the Lyman-alpha transmission functions, one can then calculate the actual transmitted Lyman-alpha line shape, and transmitted fraction of Lyman-alpha photons, given some assumed intrinsic line shape.

Package contents

This package contains several components for calculating and analyzing Lyman-alpha radiative transfer through the IGM:

  • SimpleTransfer, which is the main code for calculating Lyman-alpha transmission functions.
  • MakeCelldata, which is a program to combine density, velocity and ionization fraction files from C2-Ray/CubeP3M into a single file that SimpleTransfer can read.
  • make_galdata.py, which is a small script to convert halo files into data that SimpleTransfer can read.
  • process_output.py, which contains functions for post- processing the output from SimpleTransfer. It allows for calculation of the transmitted fraction of Lyman-alpha given several different intrinsict line models.
  • run_rt.py which contains functions for running the entire pipeline. This file can be used as a stand-alone script, or imported into your own Python code for greater control and scripted runs.


  • Python, with numpy and scipy installed.
  • c2raytools
  • A C++ compiler
  • A Fortran compiler


  1. Download the files from github
  2. Run make in the main directory

Unfinished parts

The code to read halo files from CubeP3M and convert them into galdata files (that SimpleTransfer can read) still has to be written. Ideally, there should be a binary file format that contains both the halo data and the metadata about what the columns contain and in which units.

Once such a file format exists, the function get_halodata_from_cubep3m can be filled in. This function is in the file make_galdata.py.


Running the full pipeline

To run the full pipeline you need only create a text file containing the relevant parameters for the simulation and run

>>> python run_rt.py my_settings_file.txt

A sample settings file (called sample_settings.txt) is included in the package. For more information about each parameter, see the section called Parameters below).

This will read the specified density, velocity and ionization fraction files and combine them into a single file. It will then make a file containing galaxy data and run the LyA radiative transfer through the IGM. Finally, it will run the postprocessing. All steps are controlled by parameters in the given settings file.

Running from a script

If you need more control over the process -- for example if you want to run several radiative transfer simulation steps on the same input, or if you want to run only the postprocessing step -- you can run each step in the pipeline from a python script. To do this, first import the appropriate module:

import run_rt

Then, use the functions run_make_celldata, run_make_galdata, run_simpletransfer and run_postprocessing. These functions take a dictionary containing simulation parameters as their only argument. To see the format of this dictionary, look at the function get_default_params in run_rt.py.


If the full pipeline is run, the output will be placed in the specified output_dir. There will be three output files:

  • A raw output file from SimpleTransfer containing tau as a function of wavelength for each sightline.
  • A text version of the same file (tau_output) if specified. This file can be read using np.loadtxt(), which will give a matrix containing tau as a function of wavelength with dimensions (n_los, n_spec_bins). The wavelength bins can be calculated using:
np.linspace(wavel_lower, wavel_upper, specres_bins)
  • A text file containing the transmitted fractions, assuming the supplied intrinsic line model. There will be one fraction for each sightline for each halo, in the same order as the halo input file.



Below is a list of all the parameters that can be set to configure the simulation. The most important ones are all the filenames (input and output), and the redshift.

You must also set the correct values for n_box and boxsize. These are specific to each C2-ray and CubeP3M simulation. If you run with the wrong values, everything will appear to work, but the results will be wrong.

  • output_dir - The directory where the output files will be placed.
  • velocity_file - The full path to the velocity file.
  • density_file - The full path to the density file.
  • xfrac_file - The full path to the ionization fraction file.
  • redshift - The redshift of the simulation.
  • raw_output - The file name of the raw output file from SimpleTransfer (will be placed in output_dir).
  • fractions_output - The name of the file containing transmitted LyA fractions, from process_output.py (will be placed in output_dir).
  • tau_output - The name of the file containing tau as a function of wavelength for each sightline traced. Leave empty if you do not want this. The file can be very big!
  • line_model - The model to use for the intrinsic LyA emission. Default is 'gmg'. See section below for more information.
  • start_dist_vr - The distance from galaxies, in virial radii, where the radiative transfer starts. Default is 1.5.
  • specres_bins - The spectral resolution of the transmission functions, measured in number of bins. Default is 1500.
  • wavel_lower - The wavelength, in Angstrom, where the radiative transfer begins. Default is 1180.
  • wavel_upper - The wavelength, in Angstrom, where the radiative transfer stops. Default is 1220.
  • num_los - Number of sightlines to trace for each galaxy. See section below for more information.
  • num_sightlines_between_writes - The number of sightlines traced between each write. Default is 10000. You usually do not need to change this.
  • frac_total_radius - The fraction of the total volume used for ray tracing. Default is 2.0. You usually do not need to change this.
  • hubble_const - The Hubble constant. Default is 70.
  • omega_m - Omega_M. Default is 0.27.
  • omega_0 - Omega_0. Default is 0.73.
  • los_dir - The line-of-sight directions. Default is 'x'. See section below for more information.
  • n_box - The fine resolution used in CubeP3M.
  • boxsize - The size of the box in Mpc/h.
  • overwrite_output - If this is True, any files in the output directory will be overwritten. Default is False.

Line models

SimpleTransfer only calculates the transmission function of LyA through the IGM. To calculate the transmitted fraction of LyA, you must specify some intrinsic line model. A few models are provided in spectrum_models.py (see Jensen et al 2013 for more information):

  • gmg (Gaussian-minus-Gaussian)
  • gaussian (single Gaussian with fixed width)
  • gaussian_varying (single Gaussian with width depending on halo mass)
  • analytic_sphsym (analytic solution, spherically symmetric)

In addition, if you run the post-processing step from a script, you may supply your own line model as a parameter. In this case, the line_model parameter must be a function accepting one argument, the log10 mass of the halo.

Sightline directions

The parameters file contains an entry called los_dir, which specifies the direction(s) of the lines-of-sight. This parameter is a string which can either be 'x', 'y' or 'z' or the name of a file. If it is 'x', 'y' or 'z', all sightlines will be traced along the specified coordinate axis.

If a filename is instead specified, the sightlines will be read from the file. Each line in the file must contain three numbers, specifying a direction vector. For example, the following file will trace sightlines along all three coordinates axes, in both positive and negative directions:

1.0 0.0 0.0
-1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 -1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 -1.0


Code for calculating the visibility of LAEs through the IGM


Language:C++ 49.6%Language:Python 35.8%Language:Fortran 13.2%Language:Makefile 1.4%