hitxujian / JEMHopQA

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JEMHopQA (Japanese Explainable Multi-hop Question Answering) is a Japanese multi-hop QA dataset that can evaluate internal reasoning. It is a task that takes a question as input and generates an answer and derivations. Derivations are a set of derivation steps and is a semi-structured representation of relationships between entities. This dataset contains both compositional (linking information from two Wikipedia articles) and comparison (comparing information from two Wikipedia articles) questions.

This repository contains the following datasets and script:

  • JEMHopQA Corpus (corpus/train.json, corpus/dev.json)
  • Evaluation script (TBA)
  • Crowdsourcing interface (TBA)

This dataset is compatible with the following Wikipedia versions. Please download and use it from the SHINRA Project page.

Data format

The question, answer, and derivation sets are provided in the following JSON format.

Key Description Example
qid Question ID "2138f0638f363e75593d09df560db76c"
type Question type "comparison"
question Question "『仮面ライダー電王』と『あまちゃん』、放送回数が多いのはどちらでしょう?"
answer Answer "あまちゃん"
derivations derivation steps [["仮面ライダー電王", "放送回数", ["49"]], ["あまちゃん", "放送回数", ["156"]]]
page_ids Page IDs of two Wikipedia articles ["1398776","2588518"]
time_dependent Flags questions for which answers may change in the future false

Example of data

Below is an example of data for a set of questions, answers, and derivations.

		"qid": "45cad48d43f222048ea4a498fd29c4a1",
		"type": "comparison",
		"question": "『仮面ライダー電王』と『あまちゃん』、放送回数が多いのはどちらでしょう?",
		"answer": "あまちゃん",
		"derivations": [["仮面ライダー電王","放送回数",["49"]],["あまちゃん","放送回数",["156"]],
		"page_ids": ["1398776","2588518"],
		"time_dependent": false
		"qid": "50faa6719d85a03ae2d5b40d24c8987c",
		"type": "compositional",
		"question": "孝明天皇が生涯過ごした都に以前の都から遷都があった年は?",
		"answer": "794年",
		"derivations": [["孝明天皇","生涯を過ごした都",["平安京"]],["平安京","遷都された年",["794年"]]],
		"page_ids": ["266469","7171"],
		"time_dependent": false

Data Statistics

all compositional comparison
train set 1059 392 667
dev set 120 47 73
total 1179 439 740

License and Acknowledgements

  • This dataset is copyrighted by the RIKEN and is licensed for use and redistribution under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).


  • We would appreciate it if you could refer to the following references when presenting your research results using this dataset.

    • Ai Ishii, Naoya Inoue, Satoshi Sekine. "Construction of a Japanese multi-hop QA dataset for a question-answering system that can explain its reasons". Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Natural Language Processing (NLP2023)
  • Special thanks to Dr. Hisami Suzuki.

  • This work was supported by the JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research JP20269633 and 19K20332.


License:Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International