hitalos / send2hugo

Project to build an API to manage the content from a site generated by hugo.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project to build an API to manage the content from a site generated by hugo.


  • Configurable path to content folder (must to be the same that used by hugo)
  • Configurable allowed mime types (png, jpg and pdf enabled by default)
  • Create, edit and delete content
  • Add and remove content's resources
  • JWT authentication (optional)
  • Static folder to host a frontend


Path Method Description
/login POST Receives username and password params and returns a token string
/api GET Infomations about this project
/sections GET List sections
/content/:section GET List content from section :section
/content/:section POST 1 Create a new content into section :section (also create the section if not exists)
/content/:section/:slug GET 1 Get content :slug from section :section
/content/:section/:slug PUT 1 Update content (slug property is imutable)
/content/:section/:slug DELETE Remove content
/content/:section/:slug/attach POST Add resource to content (input field must be called "attach")
/content/:section/:slug/:attach GET Get resource
/content/:section/:slug/:attach DELETE Discard resource and update respective content

1 The default mimetype of response is "application/json". If you want markdown, add the header "Accept: text/markdown" to your request.


There are two ways to configure send2hugo. The first is using a configuration file named send2hugo.json (example here). The file must be in JSON format and it's location be the same folder from he is called or -c flag can be used to customize this path.

Variable Default Value Description
PORT 8000 Port to listen
JWT_SECRET (empty) Used to sign tokens
CONTENT_FOLDER ./content Path to hugo content folder
STATIC_FOLDER ./public Path to static folder (can be the public folder on hugo default hierarchy)
AUTH_ENDPOINT (empty) OpenID endpoint to authentication
AUTH_CLIENT_ID (empty) OpenID client identification
AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET (empty) OpenID client secret
TOKEN_DURATION 24 Expiration time for token (in hours)
MIMETYPES application/pdf,image/png,image/jpeg List of allowed mime types (separeted by comma)

P.S.: Pull Requests to improve security, add funcionalities or manage other folders (archetypes, layouts, themes, translations…) are welcome.

P.S.2: The OpenID authentication was tested only against a keycloak server.


  • Feature - Content version control


Project to build an API to manage the content from a site generated by hugo.


Language:Go 100.0%