hitachinsk / PaperReading

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  1. Enhancing the Spatial Resolution of Stereo Images using a Parallax Prior, tags:stereo image SR
  2. Robust Video SR with Learned Temporal Dynamics, tags:video SR
  3. Deep Learning for Single Image Super Resolution- A Brief Review, tags:single image SR, review
  4. A Light Transport Framework for Lenslet Light Field Cameras, tags:light field processing
  5. Detail-revealing deep video super-resolution, tags:video SR, sub-pixel motion compensation
  6. End-to-end learning of video super-resolution with motion compensation, tags:video SR, learned motion compensation
  7. DeepSD Generating High Resolution Climate Change Projections by SISR, tags:climate image SR, statistical downscaling
  8. Light field spatial super resolution using deep efficient Spatial-Angular Separable convolution, tags:light field spatial SR, spatial-angular separable convolution, 4D convolution
  9. Unsupervised Degradation Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution, tags:degradation learning, single image SR
  10. Fast Light Field reconstruction with deep coarse-to-fine modeling of Spatial-Angular clues, tags:light field angular SR, 4D convolution
  11. Frame Recurrent Video SR, tags:video SR
  12. Real Time video super resolution with spatio-temporal networks and motion compensation, tags:video SR
  13. End2end view synthesis for LF imaging with pseudo 4DCNN, tags:light field angular SR, pseudo 4D CNN
  14. Light Field Image Compression Using GAN based View Synthesis, tags:light field compression, GAN
  15. LapEPINet A laplacian pyramid EPI structure for Learning based Light Field reconstruction, tags:light field angular SR, EPI
  16. Convolutional LSTM Network A Machine Learning Approach for Precipitation Nowcasting, tags:conv-LSTM
  17. Breaking the spatio-angular trade-off for light field super-resolution via LSTM modeling on epipolar plane images, tags:light field SR, conv-LSTM, EPI
  18. Unsupervised learning of video representation using LSTMs, tags:video representation, LSTM
  19. Learning sheared EPI structure for light field reconstruction, tags:light field angular SR, EPI
  20. MetaSR a magnification arbitrary network for super resolution, tags:single image SR
  21. Synthesizing a 4D spatio-angular consistent Light Field from a single image, tags:light field synthesis
  22. Learning blind video temporal consistency, tags:video temporal consistency
  23. Enhanced Deep Residual Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution, tags:single image SR, EDSR
  24. Deep Back-projection networks for super-resolution, tags:single image SR, DBPN
  25. Deep learning for image super-resolution: a survey, tags:single image SR, survey
