hirowf / angular-snipptes

A place for sharing Angular Snippets

Home Page:https://angularsnippets.dev/

Repository from Github https://github.comhirowf/angular-snipptesRepository from Github https://github.comhirowf/angular-snipptes

Angular Snippets

A website to find and share code snippets for Angular.

How to add snippets

Follow the below steps to add a snippet to the website.

  • Go to pages -> snippets folder.
  • add a new mdx file with the name of the snippet.
  • add the content in the format below.
title: Tile of the snippet
description: description of the snippet
pubDate: (Dare) Feb 20, 2022
contributedBy: "@TwitterHandle"

import BlogImage from "@components/BlogImage.astro";
import SourceMap from "@images/source-map.jpg";

Content of the snippet

We accept mdx syntax here.

You can include code snippets like this.

"sourceMap": {
"hidden": true,

and images like this.

<BlogImage src={ImagePath} alt="hidden source map for production" />

Tech Stack 🛠️

Developer Notes 📝

Here are some commands that you can run to get started with the project. You can also check all the commands in the package.json

# Install dependencies
pnpm install

# Run the development server
pnpm dev

# Build the project
pnpm build

# Serve the built project
pnpm preview

License ⚖️

This repository has MIT License.


A place for sharing Angular Snippets


License:MIT License


Language:Astro 76.8%Language:TypeScript 21.1%Language:JavaScript 2.0%