himuuuuuuuuu / Learn-Python-By-Sir-Raheel

Unlock Python's potential with 'Learn-Python-By-Sir-Raheel.' Join Sir Raheel on a transformative coding journey. From beginner to advanced, master Python's elegant syntax, build web apps, automate tasks, and delve into data science. Ignite your passion for coding and unleash your full potential. Start your Python mastery today!

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Python Course Outline

1. Introduction to Python Language:

  • What Is Python,
  • Uses Of Python Programming Language / Python Applications,
  • Python For Software Development,
  • Python For Networking,
  • Python For Automated Testing,
  • Features Of Python Programming Language,
  • Implementations Of Python,
  • Python Career Opportunities.

2. Download & Install Python

  • Download Python Idle & Installation Python Ide
  • Download Pycharm Ide & Installation Pycharm Ide
  • Download Annaconda Navigator & Also Installation

3. Python Language Syntax | Keywords And Identifiers | Comments

  • Syntax Of Python,
  • Interpreter Vs Compiler
  • Creating Python Program File,
  • Lines And Indentation,
  • Python Identifiers,
  • Class Names,
  • Variable Names,
  • Function Names,
  • Method Names,
  • Python Keywords,
  • Purpose/Use Of Comments In Computer Programming
  • Comments In Python, And Quotation In Python,
  • Comments For Understanding Python Code,
  • Python Comment Syntax,
  • Python Single Line Comment,
  • Multiline Comment In Python,

4. Python Variables | Data Types | Operatorsn

  • What Is Variable?,
  • Declaration Of Variables,
  • Assign Values To Variables,
  • Initialization,
  • Reading,
  • Variable Naming Restrictions,
  • Types Of Python Variables.
  • Legal Or Ill Legal Variable
  • What Is Data Type?,
  • Data Types,
  • Arithmetic Operators,
  • Assignment Operators,
  • Comparison Operators,
  • Logical Operators,
  • Identity Operators,
  • Membership Operators,
  • Bitwise Operators,
  • Python Numbers (Integers, Floating-Point Numbers, And Complex Numbers),
  • Python Strings,
  • String Is A Sequence Of Characters Written In Single Quotes Or In Double Quotes Or In Three Double Quotes.
  • The String May Have Alphabets,
  • Numbers,
  • And Special Characters.
  • Operations On Strings,
  • Finding String Length,
  • Concatenating Strings,
  • Print A String Multiple Times,
  • Python Boolean Data Type.

5. Python User Input() | Decision Making | While Loop | For Loop

  • How To Take Input From User
  • What Is Decision Making,
  • Syntax Of Conditional Statements In Python,
  • Simple If Structure,
  • If-Else Structure,
  • If Elif Structure,
  • Nested If Structure,
  • Using And, Or, In Conditions,
  • In And Not In,
  • Python Control Flow Statements,
  • Python Loop Statements,
  • Syntax Of Wile Loop,
  • Python While Loop,
  • Syntax Of For Loop,
  • Python For Loop,
  • Python Range(),
  • Stepping Through A For Loop,
  • More About Ranges,
  • Python Nested Loop Structures,
  • Inserting Conditions In Loops And Vice Versa,
  • Python Branching Statements – Break, Continue, Pass,
  • The Random Module And Import,
  • Flag In Python,
  • Use Of Flag In Python,

6. Python Lists | Tuples | Dictionaries

  • Syntax Of List
  • Create Python Lists,
  • Lists - Collections Of Data
  • Sorting Simple Lists - The Bubble Sort Algorithm
  • Update Python Lists,
  • Copy Python Lists,
  • Delete Elements From Python Lists,
  • Nested Lists & Code Style
  • Processing Nested Lists
  • Split Method
  • Python Tuples,
  • Mutable Vs Imutable
  • Access Tuples,
  • Update Tuples,
  • Unpack Tuples,
  • Loop Tuples,
  • Join Tuples,
  • Tuple Methods,
  • Python Sets,
  • Access Set Items,
  • Add Set Items,
  • Remove Set Items,
  • Loop Sets,
  • Join Sets,
  • Set Methods,
  • Access Items,
  • Change Items,
  • Add Items,
  • Remove Items,
  • Loop Dictionaries,
  • Copy Dictionaries,
  • Nested Dictionaries,
  • Dictionary Methods,

7. Python User-Defined Functions

  • Syntax Of Function,
  • Writing And Calling Functions
  • One Parameter & One Argument Function,
  • Two Parameter & Two Argument Function,
  • Three Parameter & Three Argument Function,
  • Four Parameter & Four Argument Function,
  • Multiple Parameter & Multiple Arguments,
  • **Args Functions,
  • **Kwargs Functions,
  • Local And Global Variable
  • Nested Functions,
  • Making Library With Functions,
  • Built-In Function,
  • Mudules,
  • Annonymous Function
  • Map, Filter & Reduce Function

8. Python File Handling | Json | Regex | Exceptions Handling

  • Python Read Files,
  • Python Write/Create Files,
  • Python Delete Files,
  • What Is Json?,
  • Json Load & Json Loads,
  • Json Dump & Json Dumps,
  • What Is Regex - Regular Expression?
  • Use Of Regex- Regular Expression.
  • Python Try,
  • Python Except,
  • Python Else,
  • Python Finally,

9. Python Classes

  • What Is Classes?
  • Uses Of Classes
  • Syntax Of Classes
  • First Program Of Classes
  • Istance Attribute In Class
  • Initializer In Class
  • Method In Class
  • Special Methods & Regular Method
  • Creating Objects With Instance Data
  • Inheritance In Class
  • Constructors In Class
  • Polymorphism In Class
  • Abstraction In Class
  • Encapsulation In Class

10. Python Database - Mysql Or Mariadb

  • What Is Database?
  • Downloading & Installation Mysql Or Mariadb
  • Memorize Some Mysql Command
  • Installation Mysql Library
  • Mysql Connectivity With Respect To Python
  • Create Database | Create Table |Insert
  • Select | Where | Order By | Delete
  • Drop Table | Update | Limit |Join

11. Python Gui Programming - Graphical User Interface

  • What Is Gui - Graphical User Interface?
  • Installation Tkinter Library
  • Used Of Gui
  • Syntax Of Tkinter
  • Creating First Gui Window
  • Label In Tkinter | Button In Tkinter | Entry In Tkinter | Checkbutton In Tkinter | Radiobutton In Tkinter
  • Frame In Tkinter | Listbox In Tkinter | Text In Tkinter | Menubutton In Tkinter | Menu In Tkinter
  • Scale In Tkinter | Scrollbar In Tkinter | Panedwindow In Tkinter | Labelframe In Tkinter | Messagebox
  • Message In Tkinter | Toplevel In Tkinter | Canvas In Tkinter

Copyright © Muhammad Raheel
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Unlock Python's potential with 'Learn-Python-By-Sir-Raheel.' Join Sir Raheel on a transformative coding journey. From beginner to advanced, master Python's elegant syntax, build web apps, automate tasks, and delve into data science. Ignite your passion for coding and unleash your full potential. Start your Python mastery today!

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