himasha / APIDemoProject

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1.Download WSO2 Micro-gateway toolkit from https://wso2.com/api-management/api-microgateway/ and follow https://docs.wso2.com/display/MG301/Installation+Prerequisites#InstallationPrerequisites-MicrogatewayToolkit for installation.

  1. Download WSO2 Micro-gateway runtime from https://wso2.com/api-management/api-microgateway/ and follow https://docs.wso2.com/display/MG301/Installation+Prerequisites#InstallationPrerequisites-MicrogatewayRuntime for installation. For this demo, micro-gw runtime docker image will be used.

  2. Download ballerina from https://ballerina.io/downloads/ and follow https://ballerina.io/learn/getting-started/#installing-ballerina for installation . For this demo ballerina - 0.991.0 version is used.

  3. Create a private docker registry in docker hub, if you want to push the docker image in ops process.(optional)

  4. Install Docker, Kubernetes and kubectl.

Deploying micro-services in Kubernetes

  1. After installing ballerina, run following commands for each service to build and create kubernetes resources. You can find the two ballerina services (books_get_service.bal and books_search_service.bal ) in APIDemoProject/micro-services folder. Make sure to update the docker username/password in these files to suit your docker registry created in docker hub.

ballerina build books_get_service.bal

This command would create the relevant kubernetes resources and push the docker image to your specified docker registry. Once above build command is executed, it would provide you with a link to deploy the kubernetes resources as below.

kubectl apply -f RESOURCE PATH Copy that command and run it.This would deploy the artifacts in kubernetes.

Similarly, execute the same commands for books_search_service.bal ballerina build books_search_service.bal

  1. Now you can execute below command, and it will display the kubernetes services created. kubectl get svc

Updating API-definitions (swagger file) with Open-API vendor extension values

Under api-definitions folder, you can find ' booklistAPI.yaml' which contains an OpenAPI 3 - swagger definition with book-list resource defined. Please update the endpoint url with your IP and port accordingly,pointing to the kubernetes deployed microservices from previous step.


3.Try out the developer workflow

We will be using the micro-gw toolkit to create a micro-gw project and build the API artifacts that we are going to expose. If you have followed the installation instructions for the toolkit you should be able to run these commands from anywhere.

3.1 Go to a preferred folder of yours and create a micro-gateway project called bookstore with the following command.

micro-gw init bookstore

This would create a project structure as below.


├── api_definitions

├── conf

│ └── deployment-config.toml

├── extensions

│ ├── extension_filter.bal

│ ├── startup_extension.bal

│ └── token_revocation_extension.bal

├── interceptors

├── policies.yaml

├── services

│ ├── authorize_endpoint.bal

│ ├── revoke_endpoint.bal

│ ├── token_endpoint.bal

│ └── user_info_endpoint.bal

└── target

└── gen

Adding book-list resource to the API

3.2 Copy the updated swagger definition from step 3 (booklistAPI.yaml) to your newly created micro-gw project bookstore/api-definitions folder.This contains the bookstore API defition along with book-list resource defined.

3.3 Run below command to build the artifacts to expose your API. This would create an executable (.balx) file which you can use as input to the micro-gw runtime.

  micro-gw build  bookstore

3.3 Executable .balx file created in step 3.3 contains the API artifact that we created through the swagger defition. In order to expose this API, we need to provide it as input for the micro-gw runtime. Since I'm using the micro-gw docker image in this demo(instead of the binary), we need to mount this .balx file to WSO2 micro-gw docker image and expose the API by running below command. Replace project_target_path with your bookstore/target folder. Micro-gw runtime docker image will be running the files located in home/exec so make sure to keep the host directory as /home/exec.Micro-gw runtime will be exposing 9090 as the HTTP port and 9095 as the HTTPS port.

docker run -d -v <project_target_path>:/home/exec/ -p 9095:9095 -p 9090:9090 -e project="bookstore" wso2/wso2micro-gw:3.0.1

Instead if you need to use the micro-gw binary please follow https://docs.wso2.com/display/MG301/Quick+Start+Guide+-+Binary to understand the flow.

If you execute a docker ps command, you can find a micro-gw runtime running.

3.4 After the APIs are exposed via WSO2 API Microgateway, you can invoke the API with a valid JWT token or an opaque access token. In order to use JWT tokens, WSO2 API Microgateway should be presented with a JWT signed by a trusted OAuth2 service.For this demo you could set the token by running below command through the terminal.


3.4 Test the API locally with below command.

curl -X GET "https://IP:9095/bookstore/v1/books/list" -k -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN"

Adding book-search resource to the API

3.5 Similarly, you could add the second resource 'book_search' where we will add a response interceptor to send a custom response back. Update the swagger definition you copied to bookstore/api-definitions with the content of git repository api-definitions/'fullbooklist.yaml'.

3.6 Add interceptors/interceptor.bal to booklist/interceptors folder.Build the bookstore project to create the new artifacts with below command.

micro-gw build bookstore

3.7 Stop the running micro-gw docker runtime with following commands. docker ps command would list the container id.

docker stop CONTAINER_ID

docker rm CONTAINER_ID

3.8 Mount the new API artifacts to micro-gw runtime docker image and run it. docker run -d -v <project_target_path>:/home/exec/ -p 9095:9095 -p 9090:9090 -e project="bookstore" wso2/wso2micro-gw:3.0.1

3.9 Now you can test it as below.Following is a sample request. curl -X GET "https://IP:9095/bookstore/v1/books/search/Java" -k -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN"

Use below command to get the custom response from the response interceptor.This should provide with the custom message "empty response from server received". curl -X GET "https://IP:9095/bookstore/v1/books/search/123" -k -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN"

In a potential CI process you could push this project to a source repository such as git and integrate a cotinuous build with CI server such as Jenkins.

4. Try out the operations workflow

4.1 You could take the bookstore micro-gw project that was created in developer workflow.

4.2. Create a new directory called 'dev' inside bookstore/conf folder of your project.

4.3 Copy dep.toml file from git project's deployment-configs folder and add it to bookstore/conf/dev folder. This is a deployment config file which explains the type of deployment you need ,so that at build time micro-gw toolkit will build the suitable resources for your deployment. in dep.toml we are configuring a kubernetes deployment and a docker image (of built API artifact + micro-gw base image).

4.4. Make sure to set appropriate values to below properties in your dep.toml file. image = 'IMAGE_NAME' ballerinaConf = 'PATH_TO_MGW_RUNTIME/conf/micro-gw.conf'

4.5 Now you can build the bookstore project by pointing to the new deployment config file , which would create your docker image for bookstore and kubernetes resources.

micro-gw build bookstore/ -d bookstore/conf/dev/dep.toml

4.6 This would provide you a link to deploy your kubernetes resources. Please run that command. Sample command kubectl apply -f /Users/himasha/Documents/bookstore/target/kubernetes/bookstore

4.7 Do a kubectl 'get svc' command and get the relevant node ports and you can try invoking the resources in kubernetes.

Sample command curl -X GET "https://IP:NODE_PORT/bookstore/v1/books/list" -k -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN"

In a potential CD process you can auto push the docker image to a docker registry.You can enhance this dev-ops flow by creating separate deployment.toml files for each environment such as test,staging,production etc. For rest of the deployment configs of your environments, when you define the deployment.toml file, you can directly pull the image from dev environment(docker registry) and push it to the relevant environment (staging,test,prod etc).



Language:Ballerina 100.0%