highattack30 / 3DsMax-XplnObj

This plug-in is for 3DsMax that allows you to import or export x-plane's obj format

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This Plugin is for the 3DsMax, it allows you to export to X-Plane obj format.


The importing is still under developing and does not work correctly!



  • The release check list - is used for producing the releases.
  • You have to get the 3DsMax sdk and then put it into conan repository, see this for more information.
  • Adjust the file conanfile.txt, you can comment unnecessary 3DsMax sdk version with #. It also will turn off appropriate targets.
#3DsMaxSdk2009/last@steptosky/stable   will not be used
  • Create the buld folder mkdir build and go in cd build
  • Use conan install .. --profile ../conan-profiles/vs2015MD-Release --build=outdated to get all necessary dependencies.
    You can use predefined profiles as in this example or your ones.
  • Use cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64" ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../output for generation the visual studio 2015 project.
  • Use cmake --build . --target install --config Release for building the project with cmake or use visual studio.
  • You can make a .bat file and copy/paste and adjust the following script there.
@echo off
set dir="msvc"
if not exist %dir% mkdir %dir%
cd %dir%
call conan install .. --profile ../conan-profiles/vs2015MD-Release -g cmake_multi --build=outdated
call conan install .. --profile ../conan-profiles/vs2015MD-Debug -g cmake_multi --build=outdated
call cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64" ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../output
::call cmake --build . --target install --config Release
::call cmake --build . --target install --config Debug
cd ../


Copyright (c) 2017, StepToSky team. All rights reserved.


This plug-in is for 3DsMax that allows you to import or export x-plane's obj format



Language:C++ 97.2%Language:CMake 2.0%Language:C 0.7%