higgins1b / bookmark-visualization

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tech Dependencies

Git - Source control Node - Server NPM - backend package manager Bower - frontend package manager

Getting Started

Install git and add to path variable make sure node is running git --version

Clone the git repo to a local directory git clone https://github.com/higgins1b/bookmark-visualization.git

We are using the git-flow workflow. Reference is here: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/

switch to the develop branch git checkout develop

Install node js and add node.exe to path variable make sure node is running node -v

Install global dependencies in project root. At command line run the following commands npm install -g bower //installs bower globally npm install -g nodemon //installs nodemon globally. watches for changes to any files, and rebuilds app if it detects a file change.

Install project dependencies in project root. At command line run the following commands npm install //installs dependencies as defined in package.json bower install //installs dependencies as defined in bower.json

Run the app

At the command line navigate to root of application and run nodemon server.js or node server.js



Language:JavaScript 83.0%Language:HTML 13.5%Language:CSS 3.5%