hifans / hGraph

hGraph is an open source javascript library for visualizing health data.

Home Page:http://www.hgraph.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

hGraph: Your health in one picture.

hGraph is an open source javascript library for visualizing health data.
hGraph is a React component using D3.



React Demo
Patient Demo
Hospital Demo


This package can be found on npm and installed like so:

$ yarn add hgraph-react
# or
$ npm install hgraph-react

The hGraph component is packaged using webpack.


hGraph Component Props

Most props are not required and have sensible defaults built in, as listed below.

Prop Name Type Is Required Description Default
data array true An array of objects representing the metrics to display in hGraph (see below) N/A
score number false The overall score (hScore) to display in the center of hGraph N/A
width number false The width in pixels hGraph should render at. 600
height number false The height in pixels hGraph should render at. 600
margin object false An object representing the values for margins around hGraph. { top: 70, right: 100, bottom: 70, left: 100 }
thresholdMin number false A number value between 0 and 1 (percentage), determining the position the lower threshold of the healthy range renders at. .25
thresholdMax number false A number value between 0 and 1 (percentage), determining the position the upper threshold of the healthy range renders at. .75
donutHoleFactor number false A number value between 0 and 1 (percentage), determining the amount of hGraph's radius that should be cut out forming the hole in the center of the graph. .4
color string (hex color code) false The color of the points and polygon shape. '#616363'
healthyRangeFillColor string (hex color code) false The color of the healthy range band. '#98bd8e'
fontSize number false The size (in pixels) of the font for the labels. 16
fontColor string (hex color code) false The color of the labels. '#000'
showAxisLabel boolean false Whether or not axis labels should display around hGraph. true
axisLabelWrapWidth number false The width (in pixels) that the labels should wrap text at. 80 (Note: use null for no wrapping)
axisLabelOffset number false The distance (in pixels) that axis labels should be offset from the outer bounds of hGraph's 'absolute max' radius. 12
areaOpacity number false The opacity of the polygon shape. 0.25
pointRadius number false The radius (in pixels) of the points for metric values. 10
pointLabelWrapWidth number false The width (in pixels) that the point labels should wrap text at. null (no wrapping)
pointLabelOffset number false The distance (in pixels) that point labels should be offset from the point. 8
hitboxRadius number false The radius (in pixels) of the point hitboxes. (hGraph overlays a transparent hitbox over each point which can help users accurately click/touch points, particularly on mobile devices.) Defaults to props.pointRadius size.
showScore boolean false Whether or not to display the overall score (hScore) in the middle of hGraph. true
scoreFontSize number false The size (in pixels) of the font for the overall hGraph score 120
scoreFontColor string (hex color code) false The color of the hGraph score. '#000'
zoomFactor number false The multiplier factor hGraph should zoom in. 2.25
zoomTransitionTime number false The amount of time (in milliseconds) the zooming animation should take. 750
zoomOnPointClick boolean false Configure if hGraph should zoom in/focus on a clicked point and display child points in the graph. true
onPointClick function false Callback function called when a point is clicked. Function is passed 2 arguments: the data object corresponding to the point clicked, and the event. N/A

hGraph Metric Object Properties

Property Name Type Is Required Description
id string true A unique (compared to all other metrics) identifier string for the metric.
label string true The axis display label for the metric.
value number true The patient's recorded value for the metric.
healthyMin number true The minimum value possible to still be considered a healthy value.
healthyMax number true The maximum value possible to still be considered a healthy value.
absoluteMin number true A reasonable minimum possible value for this metric. Note: values below this absolute minimum will be clamped to the min.)
absoluteMax number true A reasonable maximum possible value for this metric. Note: values above this absolute maximum will be clamped to the max.
unitLabel string true The units the metric is measured in, displayed with the metric value.
children array false Optional array of child metrics that comprise this metric. Children metrics should conform to hGraph Metric Objects properties. Children are shown when a point is clicked and hGraph is in the "zoomed in" state.


Set of health metrics to be displayed on the hGraph. A default set is provided but can be tailored to your installation.
hMetrics Component

(steps to edit coming)


Defines the healthy range for hMetrics. A default set is provided but should be tailored to your installation.
hRanges Component

(steps to edit coming)

hScore (notional)

hScore is an algorithm for scoring a person's health and can be displayed at the center of the hGraph. hScore is currently a concept and has not been developed.
hScore Component

Synthetic Patient Data

For development and demo’s, we’ve used Synthea for generating synthetic patient data to display in hGraph.

(steps to include coming)

Notable Repos


hGraph has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to.
Please read the full text so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.

We encourage you to contribute to hGraph!
See the contributing guidelines for how to proceed.

Core Contributors

Founders/Designers: GoInvo is a digital design studio in Boston, crafting the future of healthcare through strategy, creativity, and vision.

Contact Us

Open Office Hours


hGraph is Apache 2.0 licensed.

For guidance integrating hGraph into your product or service, contact us at hgraph@goinvo.com.


hGraph is an open source javascript library for visualizing health data.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%