hi-res / polvo-platonic

Stylus plugin for Polvo.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Polvo Stylus

With this plugin, Polvo can handle Stylus source files.

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You won't need to install it since it comes built in in Polvo.



Just put your .styl files in your input dirs and it will be ready for use.


There's a built in support for partials in Stylus, Polvo will handle them in a particular conventioned way.

Every file starting with _ won't be compiled alone. Instead, if some other file that doesn't start with _ imports it, it will be compiled within it.

The import tag follows the Stylus include's default syntax.

To include a partial in your stylus, just:

  1. Name your patial accordingly so it starts with _
  2. Include it in any of your styl files by using the syntax
@import "./path/to/your/_partial-name-here"

Partials are referenced relatively.


Nib is play be default, don';'t need to import it in order to use.


Stylus plugin for Polvo.


Language:CoffeeScript 95.7%Language:CSS 4.3%