hhy-huang / TAG-Benchmark


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Text-attributed Graph Datasets and Benchmark

Datasets and tasks

In our CS-TAG benchmark, we collect and make 8 text-attributed graph datasets from ogbn-arxiv, amazon, dblp and goodreads. Except for ogbn-arxiv related datasets(Arxiv-TA), the rest of the datasets are constructed by us and uploaded to google drive. You can download the datasets we process through the google drive link. (You can use gdown to download the file you wanted in Linux.)

Note that we do not directly add the node features from the graph to the graph data we provided. This is mainly because the different PLMs' features may have different effects on different downstream GNNs. You can get the node features from the PLM you are interested in with the following simple code

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python LMs/Train_Command/inference_LM.py --model ''  --inference_dir '' --dataset arxiv_TA --inf_batch_size 800

where '--model' can be filled with 'TinyBert, Distilbert, Electra, Electra-base, Electra-large, Bert, Bert-large, Roberta, Roberta-large, Deberta, Deberta-large'. In '--inference_dir' fill in the location where you want to store the features. '--dataset' can be filled with 'arxiv_TA, Children_DT, History_DT, Computers_RW, Photo_RW, Fitness_T, DBLP_TA, GOOD_DT'.

In CS-TAG, we perform the supervised node classification and link prediction tasks common on graphs on these datasets. However, depending on the characteristics of the different datasets, many other types of tasks can be continued to be mined in TAG. Here are some of the tasks we will be focusing on

  • [] Self-supervised learning on TAGs
  • [] Study of Robustness on TAGs
  • [] Graph structure learning on TAGs

Directory Layout

|---- model/                
|        |---- Dataloader.py    # Load the data from CS-TAG     	
|        |---- GNN_arg.py       # GNN settings (e.g. dropout, n-layers, n-hidden)
|        |---- GNN_library.py   # CS-TAG GNN baselines(e.g., mlp, GCN, GAT)
|---- GNN.py                    # .py for node classification task
|---- GNN_Link.py                    # .py for link prediction task
|---- Model/
|        |---- Bert    # Save the config for the TinyBert, Bert-base and Bert-large
|        |---- Deberta    # Save the config for the Deberta-base and Deberta-large
|        |---- Distilbert    # Save the config for the Distilbert
|        |---- Electra    # Save the config for the Electra-small, Electra-base and Electra-large
|---- Train_Command/
|        |---- Pretrain/    # Save the scripts for the topological pretraining 
|                |---- Scripts/    # Save the scripts for the topological pretraining 
|                       |---- TCL.sh   #  Scripts for the TCL
|                       |---- TMLM.sh   #  Scripts for the TMLM
|                       |---- TDK.sh   #  Scripts for the TDK
|                       |---- TMDC.sh   #  Scripts for the TMDC
|        |---- Co-Train.py    # .py for the Co-Training strategy
|        |---- Toplogical_Pretrain.py    # .py for the toplogical pretraining strategy (e.g., TCL,TDK,TMLM, TCL+TDK)
|---- Trainer/
|        |---- Inf_trainer.py            # .py for getting node embedding from the PLMs
|        |---- TCL_trainer.py            # Trainer (following the huggingface) for the TCL strategy
|        |---- TDK_trainer.py            # Trainer (following the huggingface) for the TDK strategy
|        |---- TMDC_trainer.py            # Trainer (following the huggingface) for the TMDC strategy
|        |---- TLink_trainer.py            # Trainer (following the huggingface) for the TCL in the Link prediction tasks 
|        |---- lm_trainer.py                 # Trainer for node classification tasks
|        |---- train_MLM.py                 #  .py for the TMLM tasks (following the huggingface)
|---- utils/
|        |---- data/    # Save the scripts for the topological pretraining 
|                |---- data_augmentation.py # the .py for generating the corpus for the TMLM tasks
|                |---- datasets.py #  The defined dataset class for different tasks
|                |---- preprocess.py #  Some commands for preprocessing the data (e.g. tokenize_graph, split_graph)
|        |---- function 
|                |---- dgl_utils.py   # Some commands from dgl 
|                |---- hf_metric.py   # Some metric used in this benchmark (e.g. accuracy, f1)
|        |---- modules
|                |---- conf_utils.py
|                |---- logger.py
|        |---- settings.py    # Some config for the datasets. You can creat your dataset in this file!  
|---- model.py       # Define the model for the donstream tasks
|---- lm_utils.py    # Define the config for the PLM pipeline
|---- trainLM.py     # Running for the node classification tasks
|---- dist_runner.py  # Parallel way to training the model

Create Your Model

If you want to add your own model to this code base, you can follow the steps below:

Add your GNN model:

  1. In GNN/model/GNN_library, define your model (you can refer to the code for models like GCN, GAT, etc.)
  2. In the args_init() function in GNN/model/GNN_arg.py, check to see if it contains all the parameters involved in your model. If there are deficiencies, you can easily add new parameters to this function.
  3. Import the model you defined in GNN/GNN.py and add your corresponding model to the gen_model() function. You can then run the corresponding code to perform the node classification task.

Add your PLM model:

  1. Go to the LM/Model/ path and create a folder named after your model name. Define init.py and config.py in it (see how these two files are defined in other folders).
  2. Add the parameters you need to the parser() function in lm_utils.
  3. If your model can't be loaded from huggingface, please pass in the path to the folder your model corresponds to via the parameter 'pretrain_path'.


You can quickly install the corresponding dependencies

conda env create -f environment.yml

Main experiments in CS-TAG

Representation learning on the TAGs often depend on the two type models: Graph Neural Networks and Language Models. For the latter, we often use the Pretrained Language Models (PLMs) to encode the text. For the GNNs, we follow the DGL toolkit and implement them in the GNN library. For the PLMs, we follow the huggingface trainer to implement the PLMs in a same pipeline. We know that there are no absolute fair between the two type baselines.

We use the wandb to log the results of our experiments. We make public the logs of some of our experiments done and organized to promote more researchers to study TAG.

Future work

In the CS-TAG, we mainly explore the form of classification tasks on TAGs, so we mainly use the mask language models. But in recent years, the autoregressive language models have recently evolved rapidly, with models with increasingly larger and models that work increasingly well on the generative tasks. LLM To this end, in the future we will explore some suitable forms of generative tasks on TAGs to analyze the performance performance of different large language models(ChatGPT, GPT-4, LLaMA, and so on.).




Language:Python 77.5%Language:Shell 22.5%