hho2002 / php-cp

pdo and redis tcp connect proxy

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php-cp(php-connect-pool),redis and pdo sync connect pool

[中文简介] http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9eaa0f400102v9fd.html

Provide local connection pool like java


  • PHP 5.3 + (no zts)
  • linux 2.6+
  • pdo and redis extension install


phpize=>./configure=>make install=>echo "extensions=xx/connect_pool.so">php.ini

##Technical characteristics:

  • After each time fetchAll (set/get) call release() method, release the connection to the pool, avoid that the script jammed causing connection occupy high problem.
  • The maximum and minimum number of connections configuration support.
  • Support small pressure automatic recovery connection.
  • Support graceful restart (reload).
  • Do a lot of optimization, although the request through the connection pool process forward, but no loss of QPS.
  • When the connection use out,support queue.
  • Simple! just change the new method and add release function (see demon),you used the tcp pool.
  • The connection proxy will start the ping process to monitor down list, if available will reflect to the return value of the get_disable_list(), use this function you can do some fun things,like LB.
  • support Read / write separate and slave load balancing


step 1 move the pool.ini file to /etc/ and modify it as you need.

step 2 start the pool_server process:

```support "start" "stop" "restart"

step 3 modify you php script:
$db = new pdoProxy(xxxx);//dont use persistent $redis = new Redis(); =》$redis = new redisProxy();//dont use pconnect tips:use $db/$redis->release() to release the connection as early as you can; //*******************use master slave(最新版本支持了读写分离和从库的负载均衡 用法如下)***********************/ $config = array( 'master' => array( 'data_source' => "mysql:host=;dbname=db1;charset=utf8", 'username' => "public_user", 'pwd' => "1qa2ws3ed", 'options' => array( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE=>PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => 3, PDO::ATTR_CASE =>PDO::CASE_UPPER, ), ), 'slave' => array( "0" => array( 'data_source' => "mysql:host=;dbname=db2;charset=utf8", 'username' => "public_user", 'pwd' => "1qa2ws3ed", 'options' => array( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE=>PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => 3, PDO::ATTR_CASE =>PDO::CASE_UPPER, ), ), "1" => array( 'data_source' => "mysql:host=;dbname=db3;charset=utf8", 'username' => "public_user", 'pwd' => "1qa2ws3ed", 'options' => array( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE=>PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => 3, PDO::ATTR_CASE =>PDO::CASE_LOWER, ), ), ), ); /***************************"select"和"show"开头的语句 走随机从库***********/ $obj1 = new pdoProxy($config); $rs = $obj1->query("select * from test limit 1"); var_dump($rs->fetchAll());//走随机从库 $obj1->release(); /****************************读强行走主库****************************/ $obj1->enable_slave = false; $rs = $obj1->query("select * from test limit 1"); var_dump($rs->fetchAll());//读主库 $obj1->release(); /***************************除了"select"和"show"开头的语句 都走主库***********/ $sql = "insert into `test` (tid) values (5)"; $rs = $obj1->exec($sql);//走主库 $obj1->release(); ?>

## 提示
- pool_server 必须以root用户启动
- redis不支持pub/sub方法
- 当你用完一个连接后(例如:fetchAll调用结束),请调用release来马上释放连接到池子里面(如果事务需要在事务commit或者rollback后release),如果不想改业务代码可以在框架层每次fetch(或者get/set)用完之后调用release方法。

## contact us
- http://weibo.com/u/2661945152
- 83212019@qq.com
- qq群号 538716391


pdo and redis tcp connect proxy

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C 97.0%Language:PHP 2.6%Language:M4 0.4%