habip h. 's repositories
This repository is the frontend of the myBlog-App project.
A-Library-App that is connected to an up-to-date API of latest books and magazines. React, contextAPI and Styled Components have been used in design.
This project has been created for following latest movies releases. The App uses an up-to-date Movie Api (The Movie DB API). HTML, CSS, JS, React and some additional packages have been used.
This project enables patients to search for doctors and branches in their vicinity, see free appointments of the doctors and get appointments from them. Doctors and patients have specialised panels for organising their appointments, events and important tasks as well as send/receive messages.
Backend of Stock-Management-App. ExpressJS, JWT, mongoose, multer, nodemailer, morgan and some additional packages have been used.
This project has been created for handling stocks of a firm and following sales and purchases of products. HTML, CSS, JS, ReactJS and Redux, and some of supportive packages have been used so as to ensure the quality of the code as well as comfort of use of project design.
This react app is a hang-man game.
This is an API for a messaging App.