hfs / vim-intro

Vim introduction presentation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vim introduction – Editing at the speed of thought

Introduction talk about the text editor Vim aimed at IT people who probably heard about Vim already but never got around to try it seriously. The talk is meant to show off the most important features rapidly in about 1 hour presentation. Hopefully it gets people interested in Vim or at least let them understand why one would use it.

The presentation is meant to be held using Vim itself, so all features can be demonstrated live.

How to present

Open vim-intro.md in Vim in a fullscreen terminal. Increase the font size such that at least 80 × 25 characters are visible.

The presentation contains form feed characters ^L to delimit slides. As you may know you can use ]] and [[ to jump to the next or previous section in Vim. So to go to the next slide you could press ]] to jump to the next ^L, j to move one line down such that ^L will not be visible on screen and finally z<Enter> to move the line with the cursor to the top of the screen.

Map the following keys to navigate the slides backward and forward with <F2> and <F3>:

:map <F3> ]]jz<CR>
:map <F2> k[[zj<CR>

Additionally you may run a tool like screenkey which displays your keypresses to the audience.


Vim introduction presentation
