Carrot is a small Erlang app that helps Erlang Systems to easly consume and work on messages received from a rabbit_mq-broker by providing a callback module that handles the incoming messages.
All this is done via a simple proplist-config which is also updateable on the fly.
%% connection parameters
{broker, [
{hosts, [ {"",5672} ]},
{user, "user"},
{pass, "pass"},
{vhost, "/"},
{reconnect_timeout, 4000},
{ssl_options, none} % Optional. Can be 'none' or [ssl_option()]
%% consumer setups
%% cassandra topics
{cass_worker_1005, [
{workers, 3}, % Number of connections,
{callback, rmq_test},
{setup_type, temporary},
{prefetch_count, 40},
{queue, [
{queue, <<"cassandra_1005">>},
{exchange, <<"x_cassandra_topic">>}, {xname_postfix, false},
{routing_key, <<"5.#">>},
%% optional bindings - parameter, if this is given, the q-binding-setup
%% will use these routing-keys for binding, instead of the "routing_key" param
{bindings, [<<"5.123">>, <<"5.234">>]}
]} %% end bunnies
]} %% end carrot
Implement the rmq_consumer behaviour (depending on the usage-strategy you use, see rmq_consumer.erl)
%%% init the callback
-callback init() -> {ok, ProcessorState :: term()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
%%% handle a newly arrived amqp message
-callback process(Event :: { #'basic.deliver'{}, #'amqp_msg'{} }, ProcessorState :: term()) ->
{ok, NewProcessorState} | {ok, noack, NewProcessorState} | {error, Reason :: term(), NewProcessorState}.
%%% handle termination of the process
-callback terminate(TReason :: term(), ProcessorState :: term()) ->
ok | {error, Reason :: term()}.
%% this callback is optional for handling other messages
-callback handle_info(TEvent :: term(), ProcessorState :: term()) ->
{ok, NewProcessorState} | {error, Reason :: term()}.