heyogrady / learn-and-understand-reactjs

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Installing Gulp

  • In project directory, run npm init

  • Install gulp, gulp-react and gulp-concat

    npm install --save gulp gulp-react gulp-concat
  • Add gulpfile.js to the project root

    var gulp = require("gulp");
    var react = require("gulp-react");
    var concat = require("gulp-concat");
    gulp.task("default", function() {
      return gulp.src("src/**")
  • Run gulp

    % gulp
    [19:21:31] Using gulpfile ~/workspace/learn-and-understand-reactjs/thumbnail-gulp/gulpfile.js
    [19:21:31] Starting 'default'...
    [19:21:31] Finished 'default' after 61 ms

Installing Browserify

  • In project directory on the command line, run:

    npm install --save browserify reactify vinyl-source-stream watchify gulp-util
  • In gulpfile.js:

    var gulp = require("gulp");
    var gutil = require("gulp-util");
    var source = require("vinyl-source-stream");
    var browserify = require("browserify");
    var watchify = require("watchify");
    var reactify = require("reactify");
    gulp.task("default", function() {
      var bundler = watchify(browserify({
        entries: ["./src/app.jsx"],
        transform: [reactify],
        extensions: [".jsx"],
        debug: true,
        cache: {},
        packageCache: {},
        fullPaths: true
      function build(file) {
        if (file) gutil.log("Recompiling " + file);
        return bundler
          .on("error", gutil.log.bind(gutil, "Browserfiy Error"))
      bundler.on("update", build);

Installing React

  • Run at root:

    npm install --save react
  • Remove react script tag from index.html

  • In every .jsx page, at the top, add:

    var React = require("react");



Language:JavaScript 99.8%Language:HTML 0.2%