heymatthew / microclimate

Knowledge. Understanding. Wisdom. Insight. 🧘

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Microclimate: A tool for incremental learning.

Github Build Status Go Report Card Code Climate Maintainability Score


This is a hobby project to scratch a personal itch and is not polished. If you're interested in Incremental Learning with mature support, I suggest you check out:

  • Supermemo - Incremental Learning and Spaced Reptition
  • Anki - Flashcards with Spaced Repetition scheduling

Caveat emptor.


See Github issues.


Knowledge. Understanding. Wisdom. Insight. 🧘

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 94.6%Language:CSS 5.4%