heyitsvajid / react-starter-kit

Single page application(SPA) project boilerplate using React, Redux with eslint, jest, and commit hooks configured.

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React Starter Kit

This starter kit provides you with the code and conventions you need to get straight into building your React/Redux based app.

Happiness is six lines away

Prerequisites: node.js and git

git clone https://github.com/heyitsvajid/react-starter-kit.git <your-repo-name>
cd <your-repo-name>
npm install
npm start
npm run open # (from a different console window, otherwise open localhost:3000)

Awesome, you've got a ready-to-customise application!

Why use this Standard Starter Kit?

  • Your directory structure is sorted as soon as you git clone
  • ES6 compilation and automatic-reloading development server are configured for you with webpack and Babel
  • Redux is an incredibly simple way of modelling your data, with great community support
  • React is an incredibly simple way of rendering your views, and is maintained by Facebook
  • The actors pattern allows you to easily react to changes on your store without forcing a re-render
  • Your redux store is already configured with navigation, data and view models

The provided boilerplate is powered by the following technology stack:

Getting Started

Put your name on it

  • Update name, desription and author in package.json
  • Update app title in src/index.html
  • Restart the dev server (make sure to do this after any changes to src/index.html)

Start building

  • Add a component for your route in src/components
  • Add tests for the component in src/__tests__ with filename convention as <Component-Name>.test.js
  • Add reducers and actions types for your component's view model in src/redux/reducer and src/redux/actionTypes if required
  • Bask in the glory of your creation
  • Don't forget to commit your changes and push to Bitbucket or GitHub!

Validate the code changes

  • Run npm run validate to verify if everything is good.
  • This will run 3 scripts internall using npm-run-all package.
    1. format -> This will formate the code as per ES6 Javascript standard.

    2. eslint -> This will run eslint in the src directory files and provide any static code issues.

    3. test -> This will run all tests and provide the results.

Note: Husky prehooks are configured so it will run the validate script when you try to commit and stop if any errors.

Show your friends

  • Run npm run build to output a web-ready build of your app to build



  • src/__tests__ - All unit tests go here
  • src/assets/stylesheets - Helpers for stylesheets for individual components
  • src/assets/img - All images goes in here
  • src/components - React components, stateless where possible
  • src/redux - All reduc reducers and action types are diefined here
  • src/stories - Open source tool for building UI components and pages in isolation Link
  • src/utils - General code which isn't specific to your application

Other directories:

  • build - Intermediate files produced by the development server. Don't touch these.
  • coverage - This folder will be generated when you run npm run cover script. It will have code coverage details.

Main application files:

  • index.js - Your application's top-level React component
  • public/index.html - The single page for your single page application
  • App.js - The application's entry point
  • src/assets/stylesheets/index.css - Global styles for your application

All Scripts

  • start: To start the project on local development server

  • build: To create production build (build folder will be generated)

  • test: To run unit tests

  • cover: To run test and see coverage results.

  • storybook: To run storybook environment

  • build-storybook: To build stories

  • lint: To run eslint code checking

  • validate: To run prettier, eslint and unit tests with one command

  • format: To format the files based on ES6 standard

How to Contribute

Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. Start by checking out the list of open issues marked help wanted. However, if you decide to get involved, please take a moment to review the guidelines.


Copyright © 2021-present heyitsvajid. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file.

Made with ♥ by Vajid Kagdi (@heyitsvajid, blog) and contributors.


Single page application(SPA) project boilerplate using React, Redux with eslint, jest, and commit hooks configured.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 68.1%Language:CSS 22.1%Language:HTML 9.8%