hexisXz / hexisXz

hexisXz profile

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Typing SVG

linux user since i was 10

(age 16)

i code in bash, a little js, css, HTML, and some C

my favorite movie and show

the flash ⚡, Short Circuit 2 🤖 (yes i know that movie came out before i was born but i have been watching it since i was around 9 or 10)


learning go and C

programs i use

  1. Alacritty & st: if you dont use alacritty idk what you are doing. same with st
  2. DWM: the best window manager
  3. Void linux
  4. eza: a better ls
  5. emacs: best program/app/terminal/IDE/text editor/webbrowser/os i have ever used :)
  6. brave
  7. polybar: and xmobar
  8. pacstall: cant forget pacstall when i use debian. i use debian based distros on my pc and void on my laptop so thats why i say i use pacstall.

programs i have made/making that i am proud of

  1. marlmacs a emacs "distro" i made because i was bored. for some reason it only works on some distros and that actually sucks.
  2. ps-lookup: good for searching up active programs
  3. ps-killer: a simple process killer
  4. scoria: a simple package manager: still being worked on
  5. ebps: xbps is actually kinda hard to use so i just made a little script to make it better.


video by luke smith

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hexisXz profile