hew / reason-styled-system

An approximate styled-system API in reasonml

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reason Styled System

styled-system in reason!

<Text px=3 size=80> {"hummussss" |> React.string} </Text>

Status: WIP

Use at your own risk.

About this Library

This is a proof-of-concept for a styled-system type of API in reason-react.

styled-system allows for, as the author states, "rapid UI development", and this is true in reasonml also - perhapes even more so. If typing is your bottleneck in reasonml-based iterative product design, you may benefit from this library, which allows you to pre-define your font and spacing scale units, so you can reference them by scale index, as opposed to explicitly. This kind of abstraction comes with a number of benefits.

Beyond reason-react, reason-styled-system is dependency-free, and will likely stay that way.


  1. install from github:
npm i github.com:hew/reason-styled-system
  1. Add the library to your bsconfig.json:
"bs-dependencies": ["reason-styled-system"],


/* System.re */
module Scale = {
  let space = [|2, 4, 8, 16, 32|];
  let font = [|2, 4, 8, 16, 32|]; // I'm lazy rn, but this would be different.

module Units = {
  let px = "px";
/* Primatives.re */
module Box =
    let scale = System.Scale.space;
    let domUnit = System.Units.px;

module Text =
    let scale = System.Scale.font;
    let domUnit = System.Units.px;
/* In some component */
let make = () => {
      /* All the elements follow the scale, up to five. Past five, the value is just passed
         explicitly. So here, 3 = 8px, and 80 = 80px */
      <Text px=3 size=80> {"Sup mang" |> React.string} </Text>
      /* Here, 2 = 4px, and 30 = 30px */
      <Box mt=2 px=30> <div /> </Box>



  • space
  • fontSize
  • color
  • width


  • style
  • is (text)
  • responsive

Planned Others

  • flex

Credits / Inspiration


An approximate styled-system API in reasonml


Language:ReScript 77.4%Language:JavaScript 17.1%Language:HTML 5.5%