hesamuel / planogram

Python program to place products into the fixture, maximizing product profit subject to the usual knapsack problem constraints

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The Task

The task is to place products into the fixture, maximizing product profit subject to the usual knapsack problem constraints:

  • 0/1 constraint: there must be either zero or one of each product on the shelves
  • shelf capacity constraint: the sum of the product widths must not exceed the shelf width

planogram.py contains a minimal implementation.

To proceed:

  1. clone this repository
  2. working on a new branch, complete the implementation of planogram.py:planogram(). You are free to use your choice of additional libraries; make sure to update pyproject.toml / requirements.txt as necessary.
  3. get the code back to us:
    • private repository on bitbucket (preferred) github, etc, or
    • zip/tar project files and email us

Our Solution

  • We'll start shelving products according to their profit_per_mm, as that allows us to maximise the space on our shelves to earn the most profit.

  • After that we will create a function that will permutate the order of the shelves. That function will compare the profits made by each permutation and pick the the most profitable one to generate our results.

After Action Analysis

  • Profitability - Our shelves contain products with a total profit of 19124.06, out of a maximum possible profit of 21732.75.

  • Free space left - Based on the items sitting on the shelf in our solution, we have a collective 16mm of free space left.

  • The ones that got away - Our function has maximised profit_per_mm, except for the four items shown above, which has higher profit_per_mm compared to the final item that made it onto a shelf, p4773. As we have only 16mm of space left, we can only reasonably consider adding two of these four items onto the shelf to increase profitability.

  • Future improvements - Although, we'd like to believe that we've come up with the best possible scenario, the fact that we have left empty space on the shelves means that there just might be better ways of maximising profitability!


Python program to place products into the fixture, maximizing product profit subject to the usual knapsack problem constraints


Language:Jupyter Notebook 91.3%Language:Python 8.7%