herniqeu / hvm-core

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HVM-Core: a parallel Interaction Combinator evaluator

HVM-Core is a parallel evaluator for extended Symmetric Interaction Combinators.

We provide a raw syntax for specifying nets, a reference implementation in Rust, and a massively parallel evaluator in CUDA. In our benchmarks, HVMC performs up to 6.8 billion interactions per second in an RTX 4090. When evaluating functional programs, it performed 5x faster than the best alternatives, making it a great compile target for high-level languages seeking massive parallelism.

HVM-Core will be used as the compile target for HVM on its upcoming update.


Install HVM-Core as:

cargo install hvm-core

Then, run the reference single-core interpeter as:

hvmc run file.hvmc -s

You can also compile it to a fast executable as:

hvmc compile file.hvmc

If you have a GPU, run it with thousands of threads as:

hvmc bend file.hvmc -s

Note: bend wasn't implemented yet; if you're here today and wants to run it on the GPU, you'll need to manually edit hvm2.cu using the hvmc gen-cuda-book file.hvmc command. Compile with -arch=compute_89. I'll add that to the CLI soon. Accepting PRs though :)


HVMC is a low-level compile target for high-level languages. The file below performs a simple recursive sum:

@sum = (? (#1 @sumS) a a)

@sumS = ({2 a b} c)
  & @sum ~ (a e)
  & @sum ~ (b d)
  & #1   ~ <d <e c>>

@main = R
  & @sum ~ (#24 R)

If that look alien to you, don't worry; it does to me too. Fortunatelly, we have [HVM-Lang](https://github.com/HigherOrderCO/hvm-lang), a tool that generates .hvmc files from a familiar syntax. On HVM-Lang, the program above is just:

sum = λn match n {
  0   : 1
  1+p : (+ (sum p) (sum p))

main = (sum 24)

If you do want to understand the hardcore syntax, though, keep reading. For more examples, see the /examples directory.


HVM-Core provides a textual syntax that allows us to construct interaction combinator nets using a simple AST:

<TERM> ::=
  <ERA> ::= "*"
  <CON> ::= "(" <TERM> " " <TERM> ")"
  <DUP> ::= "[" <TERM> " " <TERM> "]"
  <CTR> ::= "{" <label> " " <TERM> " " <TERM> "}"
  <REF> ::= "@" <name>
  <U24> ::= "#" <value>
  <OP2> ::= "<" <TERM> " " <TERM> ">"
  <MAT> ::= "?" <TERM> <TERM>
  <VAR> ::= <name>

<NET> ::=
  <ROOT> ::= <TERM>
  <RDEX> ::= "&" <TERM> "~" <TERM> <NET>

<BOOK> ::= 
  <DEF> ::= "@" <NET> <BOOK>
  <END> ::= <EOF> 

On top of pure interaction combinators, HVMC includes a minimal set of performance-critical features, including top-level definitions (as closed nets), unboxed 24-bit numbers, binary numeric operations and if-then-else. Below is a complete list of all term variants:

  • ERA: an eraser node, as defined on the reference system.

  • CON: a constructor node, as defined on the reference system.

  • DUP: a duplicator node, as defined on the reference system.

  • CTR: an "extra" node, which behaves exactly like CON/DUP nodes, but with a different symbol. When the label is 0/1, it corresponds to a CON/DUP node.

  • VAR: a named variable, used to create a wire. Each name must occur twice, denoting both endpoints of a wire.

  • REF: a reference to a top-level definition, which is itself a closed net. That reference is unrolled lazily, allowing for recursive functions to be implemented without the need for Church numerals and the like.

  • U24: an unboxed 24-bit unsigned integer.

  • OP2: a binary operation on u24 operands.

  • MAT: a pattern-matching operator on u24 values.

Note that terms form a tree-like structure. Yet, interaction combinators are not trees, but graphs; terms aren't enough to express all possible nets. To fix that, we provide the & <TERM> ~ <TERM> syntax, which connects the top-most main port of each tree. This allows us to build any closed nets with a single free wire. For example, to build the closed net:

R       .............
:       :           :
:      /_\         /_\
:    ..: :..     ..: :..
:    :     :     :     :
:   /_\   /_\   /_\   /_\
:...: :   : :...: :   :.:
      *   :.......:

We could use the following syntax:

  = R
  & ((R *) (x y))
  ~ ((y x) (z z))

Here, @main is the name of the closed net, R is used to denote its single free wire, each CON node is denoted as (x y), and the ERA node is represented as a *. The wires from an aux port to a main port are denoted by the tree hierarchy, the wires between aux ports are denoted by named variables, and the single wire between main ports is denoted by the & A ~ B syntax. Note this always represents an active pair (or redex)!


HVMC comes with 2 evaluators: a reference interpreter in Rust, and a massively parallel runtime in CUDA. Both evaluators are completely eager, which means they will reduce every generated active pair (redex) in an ultra-greedy fashion. Because of that, to perform recursion, it is advisable to pre-compile the source language to a supercombinator formulation, as it allows sub-expressions to be unrolled lazily, preventing HVMC from infinitely expanding recursive function bodies. For the same reason, terms like the Y-Combinator aren't compatible with current HVMC. A lazy evaluator version will be provided in the future.

The eager evaluator works by keeping a vector of current active pairs (redexes) and, for-each redex, performing an "interaction", as described below. On the single-core version, that "for-each" is done in a sequential loop. On the multi-core version, the vector of redexes is actually split into a grid of "redex bags", each bag owned by a "rewrite squad", which continuously pops and executes a redex in parallel. Since interaction rules are symmetric on the 4 surrounding ports, we actually use 4 threads to perform an interaction, thus the name "squad".

For example, on NVidia's RTX 4090, we keep a grid of 128x128 redex bags. Each bag is processed by a rewrite squad. There are 16,384 active squads, for a total of 65,536 active threads. Below is a visual representation:

REDEX ::= (Ptr32, Ptr32)

    A1 --|\        /|-- B2
         | |A0--B0| |
    A2 --|/        \|-- B1


    [(A0,B0), (C0,D0), (E0,F0), ...]

REDEX_GRID ::= Matrix<128, 128 REDEX_BAG>

    [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] ...
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] ...
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] ...
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] ...
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] ...
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] ...
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] ...
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] ...
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ... 

SQUAD ::= Vec<4, THREAD>


    loop {
      if (A, B) = pop_redex():
        atomic_rewrite(A, B)

    atomic_rewrite(A, B):
      if con-con:
        thread 0: atomic_subst(A.1, B.1)
        thread 1: atomic_subst(A.2, B.2)
        thread 2: atomic_subst(B.1, A.1)
        thread 3: atomic_subst(B.2, A.2)
      else if con-dup:

    atomic_subst(a, b):
      a_ok = CAS(a, a.rev(), b)
      b_ok = CAS(b, b.rev(), a)
      if not (a_ok and b_ok):
        atomic_link(a, a.rev(), b)

    atomic_link(a, b):
      see algorith on 'paper/'


    - thread 0 links A1 -> B1
    - thread 1 links B1 -> A1
    - thread 2 links A2 -> B2
    - thread 3 links B2 -> A2


    A1 <--------------> B1
    A2 <--------------> B2

With this setup, a program reaches the peak parallelism when there are about 16k active redexes, resulting in a maximum theoretical speedup of 65536x. Note that even a "maximally sequential" interaction combinator program (i.e., one that, at any point of the reduction, always has exactly 1 active pair) still benefits from a "4x" degree of parallelism, due to squads having 4 threads; although, obviously, at that point a CPU version would be much faster, as CPU cores are way faster than 4 GPU cores.


The available interactions are the same described on the reference paper, namely annihilation and commutation rules, plus a few additional interactions, including primitive numeric operations, conditionals, and dereference. The core interactions are:

~~~~~~~ ERA-ERA
A1 --|\
     |a|-- ()
A2 --|/
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CTR-ERA
A1 ------- ()
A2 ------- ()
A1 --|\     /|-- B2
A2 --|/     \|-- B1
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CTR-CTR (if a ~~ b)
A1 -----, ,----- B2
A2 -----' '----- B1
A1 --|\         /|-- B2
A2 --|/         \|-- B1
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CTR-CTR (if a !~ b)
A1 --|b|       |a|-- B2
      \|--, ,--|/
      /|--' '--|\
A2 --|b|       |a|-- B1

The dereference interactions happen when a @REF node interacts with another node. When that node is a constructor, the dereference will be unrolled efficiently. This makes HVM practical, because, without it, top-level definitions would need to be implemented with DUP nodes. This would cause considerable overhead when trying to implement functions, due to DUP nodes incremental copying nature. When the other node is anything else, that implies two closed nets got disconnected from the main graph, so both nodes are collected, allowing recursive functions to halt without infinite expansions.

() -- @REF
~~~~~~~~~~ ERA-REF
A1 --|\
     | |-- @REF
A2 --|/
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CTR-REF
A1 --|\
     | |-- {val}
A2 --|/

Since Interaction Combinator nodes only have 1 active port, which is a property that is essential for key computational characteristics such as strong confluence, we can't have a binary numeric operation node. Instead, we split numeric operations in two nodes: OP2, which processes the first operand and returns an OP1 node, which then processes the second operand, performs the computation, and connects the result to the return wire.

A1 --,
     [}-- #X
A2 --' 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OP2-NUM
A2 --[#X}-- A1
A1 --[#X}-- #Y
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OP1-NUM
A1 -- #Z

Note that the OP2 operator doesn't store the operation type. Instead, it is stored on 4 unused bits of the left operand. As such, an additional operation called "load-op-type" is used to load the next operation on the left operand. See the /examples directory for more info. Below is a table with all available operations:

N operation
0 load-op-type
1 addition
2 subtraction
3 multiplication
4 division
5 modulus
6 equal-to
7 not-equal-to
8 less-than
9 greater-than
A logical-and
B logical-or
C logical-xor
D logical-not
E left-shift
F right-shift

Since HVM already provides plenty of solutions for branching (global references, lambda encoded booleans and pattern-matching, etc.), the pattern-match operation is only necessary to read bits from numbers: otherwise, numbers would be "black boxes" that can't interact with the rest of the program. The way it works is simple: it receives a number, two branches (case-zero and case-succ, stored in a CON node) and a return wire. If the number is 0, it erases the case-succ branch and returns the case-zero branch. Otherwise, it erases the case-zero branch and returns the case-succ branch applied to the predecessor of the number.

A1 --,
     (?)-- #X
A2 --' 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAT-NUM (#X > 0)
           /|-- A2
      /|--| |
A1 --| |   \|-- #(X-1)
      \|-- ()
A1 --,
     (?)-- #X
A2 --' 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAT-NUM (#X == 0)
      /|-- ()
A1 --| |   
      \|-- A2

Note that some interactions like NUM-ERA are omitted, but should logically follow from the ones described above.

Memory Layout

The memory layout is optimized for efficiency, and can be summarized as:

// A pointer is a 32-bit word
type Ptr = u32;

// A node stores its two aux ports
struct Node {
  p1: Ptr, // this node's fst aux port
  p2: Ptr, // this node's snd aux port 

// A redex links two main ports
struct Redex {
  a: Ptr, // main port of node A
  b: Ptr, // main port of node B

// A closed net
struct Net {
  root: Ptr,       // a free wire
  rdex: Vec<Redex> // a vector of redexes
  heap: Vec<Node>  // a vector of nodes

As you can see, the memory layout resembles the textual syntax, with nets being represented as a vector of trees, with the 'redex' buffer storing the tree roots (as active pairs), and the 'nodes' buffer storing all the nodes. Each node has two 32-bit pointers and, thus, uses exactly 64 bits. Pointers include a 4-bit tag and a 28-bit value, which allows addressing a 2 GB space per instance. There are 16 pointer types:

VR1 = 0x0; // variable to aux port 1
VR2 = 0x1; // variable to aux port 2
RD1 = 0x2; // redirect to aux port 1
RD2 = 0x3; // redirect to aux port 2
REF = 0x4; // lazy closed net
ERA = 0x5; // unboxed eraser
NUM = 0x6; // unboxed number
OP2 = 0x7; // numeric operation (binary)
OP1 = 0x8; // numeric operation (unary)
ITE = 0x9; // numeric if-then-else
CT0 = 0xA; // main port of con
CT1 = 0xB; // main port of dup
CT2 = 0xC; // main port of extra node 
CT3 = 0xD; // main port of extra node
CT4 = 0xE; // main port of extra node
CT5 = 0xF; // main port of extra node

This memory-efficient format allows for a fast implementation in many situations. For example, allocation can be performed by a single 64-bit atomic CAS, and an annihilation interaction can be done with 2 calls to an atomic_link() procedure, which, in most cases, only requires 2 atomic reads and 2 atomic CAS's.

We also provide unboxed 24-bit unsigned integers, which allows HVMC to store raw data with minimal loss. For example, to store a raw 3 KB buffer, one could use a perfect binary tree of CON nodes with a depth of 9, as follows:

@buff = ((((((((((X0 X1) (X2 X3)) ((X4 X5) (X6 X7))) ...)))))))

This would use a total of 1023 nodes, which takes a space of almost exactly 8 KB on HVMC. As such, while buffers are not part of the spec, we can store raw data with a 37.5% efficiency using pure interaction nets, which is a reasonable price to pay to gain the ability of computing them with massive parallelism.


To verify if there's no performance regression:

git checkout main
cargo bench -- --save-baseline main # save the unchanged code as "main"
git checkout <your-branch>
cargo bench -- --baseline main      # compare your changes with the "main" branch

To verify if there's no correctness regression, run cargo test. You can add cargo-insta with cargo install cargo-insta and run cargo insta test to see if all test cases pass, if some don't and they need to be changed, you can run cargo insta review to review the snapshots and correct them if necessary.



Language:Rust 62.4%Language:Cuda 20.3%Language:TeX 14.9%Language:JavaScript 2.4%