herbsjs / herbs

A domain-first framework. Code your domain and your infrastructure will follow

Home Page:https://herbsjs.org/

Repository from Github https://github.comherbsjs/herbsRepository from Github https://github.comherbsjs/herbs

CI Herbsjs

Library that unify all core librarys from herbsjs


  $ npm install @herbsjs/herbs


(ES6 module syntax)

import herbs from '@herbsjs/herbs'
const {usecase, step, Ok, Err, entity, field, validate, errorCodes ,checker} = herbs

(CommonJS syntax)

const { usecase, step, Ok, Err, entity, field, validate, errorCodes ,checker } = require('@herbsjs/herbs')

Please visit out website for more information: https://herbsjs.org

Any doubts?

Please visit our issues or chat with us in: Herbs discord


Come with us to make an awesome herbs.

Now, if you do not have technical knowledge and also have intend to help us, do not feel shy, click here to chat with us and collaborate their ideas, the contribution may be a criticism or a compliment (why not?)

If you would like to help contribute to this repository, please see CONTRIBUTING


Herbs is released under the MIT license.


A domain-first framework. Code your domain and your infrastructure will follow


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%