heranYang93 / quiz-flash-card

This is a timed coding quiz with multiple-choice questions. This app will run in the browser and will feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by JavaScript code that is written. It will have a clean, polished, and responsive user interface.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

  • [ORIGINAL] This stands for original requirement
  • [ADDITIONAL] This stands for additional requirement that I personally regard necessary for a smooth user experience

Table of Contents

[Key Demo]
[Project title]
[Task description]
[User Story]
[Acceptance Criteria]
[Repository structure]

Key Demo

These gifs are made to demostrate key features:

Basic features demostration

Functional start button
Answer and rendering next question
Time penalty
FInal result visualisation
Data Storage

Special features demonstration

The quiz can now be interrupted at anytime
Users can now navigate back to the main menu during the quiz
Users can now navigate to view score board during the quiz
Users can now navigate tp score board from the main page

Project title

A multiple-choice quiz template

Task description

  • [ORIGINAL] Original task This is a timed coding quiz with multiple-choice questions. This app will run in the browser and will feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by JavaScript code that is written. It will have a clean, polished, and responsive user interface.

  • [ADDITIONAL] Original task This is a multiple-choice quiz, certain input can be updated from line 1 to line 46 It can potentially be modified for personal use on testing the knowledge of other questions.

User Story

(Original) AS A coding boot camp student I WANT to take a timed quiz on JavaScript fundamentals that stores high scores SO THAT I can gauge my progress compared to my peers

Acceptance Criteria

  • [ORIGINAL] Start and render GIVEN I am taking a code quiz WHEN I click the start button THEN a timer starts and I am presented with a question

  • [ORIGINAL] Answer and render WHEN I answer a question THEN I am presented with another question

  • [ORIGINAL] Condition and update global timer WHEN I answer a question incorrectly THEN time is subtracted from the clock

  • [ORIGINAL] Condition and render WHEN all questions are answered or the timer reaches 0 THEN the game is over

  • [ORIGINAL] Input and local storage WHEN the game is over THEN I can save my initials and my score

  • [ADDITIONAL] Interrupt and render WHEN I want to view the score board THEN I visualise it at ANY stage of this quiz (beginning, middle, end)

  • [ADDITIONAL] Sorting score board WHEN I view the score board THEN I am presented with the top 3 scores


The following picture has been taken as a reference (./assets/04-web-apis-homework-demo.gif)

Repository structure

quiz-flash-card/assets/ This is a sketch of four different phases of app interface. (./assets/taskDescription.md)

quiz-flash-card/Develop Javascript to functionalise the app (./script.js) CSS file to style the app (./style.css)


This is a timed coding quiz with multiple-choice questions. This app will run in the browser and will feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by JavaScript code that is written. It will have a clean, polished, and responsive user interface.


Language:JavaScript 55.0%Language:CSS 33.7%Language:HTML 11.3%