This project consists of hacks tinkering with Caeser Shift. Decryption/encryption methods as well as applications of the technique are explored.
Ongoing subprojects: None -- Workshop finished for now(03.24.2020).
Completed subprojects:
- Caeser Shift Encoder -- Takes in a string, shift('a' for Caeser A Shift, 'b' for Caesar B Shift, etc.) and outputs the encoded version of that string.
- Caeser Shift Decoder -- Takes in a string, shift and outputs the decoded version of that string. Note that one can only use this decoder when they know which shift was used to encode the given string.
- Caeser Shift Encoder/Decoder -- Takes in a string, shift, and command 'encode' or 'decode'. Outputs encoded/decoded string.
- Smart Caeser Shift Decoder -- Runs through all possibilities of decoded text and returns the one which is the correct decoded version. Uses Python library PyEnchant to check for valid English words.