henrikingo / genny

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Genny 🧞‍

Genny is a workload-generator library and tool. It is implemented using C++17.

Build and install


  1. Download XCode 10 (around 10GB) and install.
  2. Drag Xcode.app into Applications. For some reason the installer may put it in ~/Downloads.
  3. Run the below shell (requires brew)
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

# install third-party packages and build-tools
brew install cmake
brew install icu4c
brew install mongo-cxx-driver
brew install openssl@1.1
brew install boost      \
    --build-from-source \
    --include-test      \

# may want to put this in your shell profile:
OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)"

cmake -E chdir "build" cmake ..
make -j8 -C "build" genny

If you get boost errors:

brew remove boost
brew install boost      \
    --build-from-source \
    --include-test      \

Other errors, run brew doctor.

Notes for macOS Mojave

Mojave doesn't have /usr/local on system roots, so you need to set environment variables for clang/ldd to find libraries provided by homebrew.

Put the following in your shell profile (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc etc):

export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="$(brew --prefix)/include"
export LIBRARY_PATH="$(brew --prefix)/lib/:$LIBRARY_PATH"

This needs to be run before you run cmake. If you have already run cmake, then rm -rf build/* after putting this in your profile and restarting your shell.

TODO: TIG-1263 This is kind of a hack; using built-in package-location mechanisms would avoid having to have OS-specific hacks like this.

Linux Distributions

Have recent versions of non-vendored dependent packages in your system, using the package manger. Generally this is:

  • boost
  • cmake (>=3.10)
  • grpc (>=1.16)
  • icu
  • mongo-cxx-driver
  • protobuf (3.6.1)

To build genny use the following commands:

cmake -E chdir "build" cmake ..
make -j8 -C "build" genny

You only need to run cmake once. Other useful targets include:

  • all
  • gennylib_test driver_test (builds tests)
  • test (run's tests if they're built)

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

For C++17 support you need at least Ubuntu 18.04. (Before you say "mongodbtoolchain", note that it doesn't provide cmake.)

apt install -y \
    build-essential \
    cmake \
    software-properties-common \
    clang-6.0 \ # optional

You also need libgrpc++-dev and libprotobuf-dev, but here genny is more picky about the versions. They need to be >=1.16 and exactly 3.6.1 respectively. To install those from source:

If you already installed the wrong versions with apt, you are better off uninstalling them:

apt remove libgrpc++-dev libprotobuf-dev

Finally, install mongo C++ driver from source too:

Note that on Ubuntu 18.04 you need a custom linker option:

cmake -E chdir "build" cmake -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,--no-as-needed ..
make -j8 -C "build" genny

IDEs and Whatnot

We follow CMake and C++17 best-practices so anything that doesn't work via "normal means" is probably a bug.

We support using CLion and any conventional editors or IDEs (VSCode, emacs, vim, etc.). Before doing anything cute (see CONTRIBUTING.md), please do due-diligence to ensure it's not going to make common editing environments go wonky.

Running Genny Self-Tests

Genny has self-tests using Catch2. You can run them with the following command:

make -j8 -C "build" gennylib_test driver_test test

Benchmark Tests

The above make test line also runs so-called "benchmark" tests. They can take a while to run and may fail occasionally on local developer machines, especially if you have an IDE or web browser open while the test runs.

If you want to run all the tests except perf tests you can manually invoke the test binaries and exclude perf tests:

make -j8 -C "build" gennylib_benchmark test
./build/src/gennylib/gennylib_test '~[benchmark]'

Read more about specifying what tests to run here.

Actor Integration Tests

The actor tests use resmoke to set up a real MongoDB cluster and execute the test binary. The resmoke yaml config files that define the different cluster configurations are defined in src/resmokeconfig.

resmoke.py can be run locally as follows:

# Set up virtualenv and install resmoke requirements if needed.
# From genny's top-level directory.
python /path/to/resmoke.py --suite src/resmokeconfig/genny_standalone.yml

Each yaml configuration file will only run tests that are associated with their specific tags. (Eg. genny_standalone.yml will only run tests that have been tagged with the "[standalone]" tag.)

When creating a new actor, create-new-actor.sh will generate a new test case template to ensure the new actor can run against different MongoDB topologies, please update the template as needed so it uses the newly created actor.

Running Genny Workloads

First install mongodb and start a mongod process:

brew install mongodb
mongod --dbpath=/tmp

Then build Genny (see above for details):

And then run a workload:

./build/src/driver/genny                                    \
    --workload-file       src/driver/test/InsertRemove.yml  \
    --metrics-format      csv                               \
    --metrics-output-file build/genny-metrics.csv           \
    --mongo-uri           'mongodb://localhost:27017'

Logging currently goes to stdout, and time-series metrics data is written to the file indicated by the -o flag (./genny-metrics.csv in the above example).

Post-processing of metrics data is done by Python scripts in the src/python directory. See the README there.

Creating New Actors

To create a new Actor, run the following:

./scripts/create-new-actor.sh NameOfYourNewActor

Code Style and Limitations

Don't get cute.

Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for code-style etc. Note that we're pretty vanilla.

Generating Doxygen Documentation

We use Doxygen with a configuration that relies on llvm for its parsing and graphviz for generating diagrams. As such you must compile Doxygen with the appropriate support for these:

brew install graphviz
brew install doxygen --with-llvm --with-graphviz

Then generate and open Doxygen docs with the following:

doxygen .doxygen
open build/docs/html/index.html


Genny is periodically manually tested to be free of unknown sanitizer errors. These are not currently run in a CI job. If you are adding complicated code and are afraid of undefined behavior or data-races etc, you can run the clang sanitizers yourself easily.

Running with TSAN:

FLAGS="-pthread -fsanitize=thread -g -O1"
cmake -E chdir "build" cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="$FLAGS" ..
make -j8 -C "build" test
./build/src/driver/genny src/driver/test/Workload.yml

Running with ASAN:

FLAGS="-pthread -fsanitize=address -O1 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g"
cmake -E chdir "build" cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="$FLAGS" ..
make -j8 -C "build" test
./build/src/driver/genny src/driver/test/Workload.yml

Running with UBSAN

FLAGS="-pthread -fsanitize=undefined -g -O1"
cmake -E chdir "build" cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="$FLAGS" ..
make -j8 -C "build" test
./build/src/driver/genny src/driver/test/Workload.yml


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C++ 87.8%Language:CMake 5.1%Language:Python 4.5%Language:Shell 2.6%