henrik-dmg / HPNetwork

A protocol-based networking stack written in Swift

Home Page:https://henrik-dmg.github.io/HPNetwork/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




HPNetwork is a protocol-based networking stack written in pure Swift



Add a new dependency for https://github.com/henrik-dmg/HPNetwork to your Xcode project or .package(url: "https://github.com/henrik-dmg/HPNetwork/tree/feature/async", from: "3.0.0") to your Package.swift


Add pod 'HPNetwork' to your Podfile and run pod install

Posting Request

Scheduling a request is as easy as this:

let response = try await request.response()

The response is a NetworkResponse<Output> containing the output and statisticsof the request.


You can also call dataTaskPublisher() on any NetworkRequest instance to get a AnyPublisher<Request.Output, Error. The publisher will walk through the same validation and error handling process as the response() method.

Synchronous Requests

If you do stuff like writing CLIs with Swift or need to do synchronous networking for any reason, you can use scheduleSynchronously(...) which returns the same Result<NetworkRequest.Output, Error> as in the closure of the regular method call. There's also a convenience method for NetworkRequest directly which you can call by request.scheduleSynchronously(...)

Cancelling Requests

Any call to schedule(request) { result in ... } returns an instance of NetworkTask that you can cancel by calling task.cancel()

Creating Requests


HPNetwork is following a rather protocol based approach, so any type that conforms to NetworkRequest can be scheduled as a request. In the most simple terms, that means you supply a URL and a request method.

Example 1:

struct BasicDataRequest: DataRequest {

    typealias Output = Data

    var requestMethod: NetworkRequestMethod {

    func makeURL() throws -> URL {
		// construct your URL here


Example 2:

struct BasicDataRequest: DataRequest {

    typealias Output = Data

    let url: URL?
    let requestMethod: NetworkRequestMethod

    func makeURL() throws -> URL {
		// construct your URL here


let basicRequest = BasicDataRequest(
    url: URL(string: "https://panhans.dev/"),
    requestMethod: .get


If you're working with JSON, you can also use DecodableRequest which requires a JSONDecoder to be supplied. The request will use that decoder to automatically convert the received data to the specified output type

Example 3:

struct BasicDecodableRequest<Output: Decodable>: DecodableRequest {

    let requestMethod: NetworkRequestMethod

    var decoder: JSONDecoder {
        JSONDecoder() // use default or custom decoder

    func makeURL() throws -> URL {
		// construct your URL here


Intercepting Errors

By default, instances of NetworkRequest will simply forward any encountered errors to the completion block. If you want to do some custom error conversion based on the raw Data that was received, you can implement func convertError(_ error: Error, data: Data?, response: URLResponse?) -> Error in your request model.


URLBuilder has been broken out into a separate package HPURLBuilder that can be found here

Request Authentication

To add authentication to a request, simply supply a authentication: NetworkRequestAuthentication? instance to your request. NetworkRequestAuthentication is an enum and supports basic authentication with a username and password, bearer token authorisation or a raw option if you want full control.



  • Cancellation support
  • Progress callback
  • Improving the documentation
  • Add async variants for the new Swift version
  • Cookie support


A protocol-based networking stack written in Swift


License:MIT License


Language:Swift 97.6%Language:Ruby 2.4%