henridf / nab

OCaml mobile network simulator I wrote in grad school. Vintage!

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Warning: This was written eons ago and is not maintained, and has not been touched since! Only here for old times sake. 

	      Network in a Box  (NAB) 



To compile and run NAB, you must have ocaml installed. The latest version of
ocaml (3.08.3) is required. The official site to get ocaml is 

You will also need gsl (http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/), and the ocaml bindings 
to it (http://oandrieu.nerim.net/ocaml/gsl/).
If you want to to build and use the gui functionality, you must install
lablgtk 1.2. 
Lablgtk is available from http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft/olabl/lablgtk.html.

Another, probably simpler option to install ocaml and lablgtk, is to use GODI - 
see http://www.ocaml-programming.de/godi/.


The html documentation and a tutorial are located under doc/ and can be 
browsed starting from doc/index.html.

More detailed documentation of the internals can be generated from the 
source code with the ocamldoc tool - see COMPILING below.

For pointers on getting started in ocaml, please see the documentation 
in doc/index.html

** SOURCE LAYOUT                                              

  sim/               -> simulator core
  sim/interfaces/    -> core class and module interfaces
  sim/base/          -> implementation of core functions
  sim/pkt/           -> packet representations and related functions
  sim/mob/           -> mobility and related functions
  sim/mac/           -> mac layers and related functions

  proto/             -> protocol agents
  proto/ler          -> last encounter routing (EASE/GREASE)
  proto/aodv         -> AODV
  proto/grep         -> GREP

  gui/               -> GUI-related code
  lib/               -> Helper libs 
  lib/contrib        -> Helper libs from external sources (GPL-level licenses)

  doc		     -> Documentation (see above)


To generate code documentation: (will be rooted at doc/gen/index.html)
[Note: don't worry about warnings when building doc!]

	make htmldoc

To compile an interactive toplevel:

	make nab-top

To compile an interactive toplevel with gui support linked in:
(requires lablgtk, see PREREQUISITES above)

	make nabviz-top

To compile NAB to run script foo.ml in batch mode:
(foo.ml is assumed to be in the scripts/ directory)

	make SCRIPT=foo.ml nab

If foo.ml uses gui libraries:

	make SCRIPT=foo.ml nabviz

To compile as native code (runs faster), pass OPT=y flag to make, as in

	make OPT=y SCRIPT=foo.ml nabviz

Note: interactive toplevels cannot be compiled to native code.


If you have developed code (protocols, mac layers, mobility models, ..) 
that you would like to see integrated into the nab distribution, 
please contact henri.dubois-ferriere {AT} epfl.ch


OCaml mobile network simulator I wrote in grad school. Vintage!


Language:OCaml 99.7%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Standard ML 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:Gnuplot 0.0%