henriclinden / xcode-appicons

Generate Xcode AppIcons

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Generate Xcode AppIcons for Mac OS X applications, iPhone apps, and iPad apps.

The generate_appicons.sh script uses the standard Mac OS X command line tool 'sips' to scale a given icon into the sizes required by an OS X application.

Ref: https://developer.apple.com/macos/human-interface-guidelines/icons-and-images/image-size-and-resolution/

Example of usage:

Henriks-iMac:xcode-appicons rtlheli$ ./generate_appicons.sh icon.png 
Henriks-iMac:xcode-appicons rtlheli$ 

The script generates images with the original filname + size and scale:

Henriks-iMac:xcode-appicons rtlheli$ ls
README.md		icon-128x128@2x.png	icon-256x256.png	icon-32x32@2x.png	icon.png
generate_appicons.sh	icon-16x16.png		icon-256x256@2x.png	icon-512x512.png
icon-128x128.png	icon-16x16@2x.png	icon-32x32.png		icon-512x512@2x.png
Henriks-iMac:xcode-appicons rtlheli$ 

To use the icons, just drag-n-drop them into your project assets.



Generate Xcode AppIcons


Language:Shell 100.0%