henkmollema / Git-Cheatsheet

:octocat: Conventient Git cheatsheet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Git cheatsheet

Switch branch

git checkout <branch> -> git checkout dev

Switch to new branch

git checkout -b <branch> -> git checkout -b feature-branch

Push local branch to remote

git push -u origin <branch> -> git push -u origin feature-branch

Remove local branch

git branch -d <branch> -> git branch -d feature-branch

Use -D to force delete (including local changes).

Remove remote branch

git push origin --delete <branch> -> git push origin --delete feature-branch

Update remote branches list

git remote update origin --prune

Stage all local changes

git add .

Unstage/reset a file

git reset <filename> -> git reset src/Folder/File.cs

Undo all local changes

git checkout .


Commit and add message in an editor:

git commit

Commit with commit message:

git commit -m "Commit message here"

Change last commit message:

git commit --amend

Use -m "New commit message" to specify the new message directly.

Undo last commit but keep changes:

git reset HEAD~1

This also works for remote commits.

Reset pushed commits

Undo pushed commits (eg. to undo a merge/rebase). Reset the commits back to the commit specified hash:

git reset --hard <sha>

Force-push the changes:

git push -f

Add a remote:

git remote add <name> <git> -> git remote add upstream https://github.com/organization/repo.git

Rebase with remote:

Fetch commits from remote branch:

git fetch <remote> -> git fetch upstream

Rebase with the remote branch:

git rebase <remote>/<branch> -> git rebase upstream/master

Force-push the changes:

git push -f

Squash commits

Find the commit that is the base of your branch:

git merge-base fix-45 master

Copy the hash that is returned. Execute an interactive rebase using this command:

git rebase --interactive <hash>

Replace with the copied hash.

An editor will be opened which shows all the commits in your branch. It looks like:

pick 1fc6c95 do something
pick 6b2481b do something else
pick dd1475d changed some things

When using VIM, press I to go to insert mode. For every line, except the first, change pick to squash. (VIM: press Esc to exit insert mode, then :w to save the file and :q to quit VIM)

A new editor pops up with all the commit messages combined. Create the final commit message. Lines starting with # will be ignored. The same VIM commands as above apply here too.

Saving this file will squash all the commits into one, and you're done.

Tag a commit

git tag -a <name> <sha> -m <message> -> git tag -a v1.0 9fceb02 -m "Version 1.0"

Push the tag:

git push --tags origin <branch> -> git push --tags origin master

Duplicate (ambiguous) refs:

Remove the refs from .git/refs/heads -> rm .git/refs/heads/<name>


:octocat: Conventient Git cheatsheet