hengestone / signet

Lightweight Ethereum Key Manager & RPC Client in Elixir

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Signet is a lightweight Ethereum RPC client for Elixir. The goal is to make it easy to interact with Ethereum in Elixir. As an example:

{:ok, trx_id} =
    {"transfer(uint)", [50]},
    gas_price: {50, :gwei},
    value: 0

The above code will use a signer you set-up (see below) to send a build, sign and transmit a transaction to Infura. Signet handles determining your nonce and estimating the gas cost, and, by default, fails if the transaction were to revert.

Signet has a number of other features, including:

  • Signing and verifying Ethereum signatures (including EIP-191)
  • Signing and verifying EIP-712 typed data
  • Signing via Curvy or Google KMS.
    • Note: Curvy signatures should be avoided in production.
  • Filters through active processes


Signet can be installed by adding signet to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:signet, "~> 0.1.10"}

Documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/signet.

Getting Started


First, you'll need to set-up a signer, which will be used to sign transactions or other messages. Signers are GenServers, and uou can set-up several signers, and you will specify a name of a signer (or pid) at the point of actually using the signer. Currently there are two supported signers: raw keys or Google KMS.

Raw Key

** Note: This uses an experimental Elixir signing library, Curvy, and is considered unsafe for production. **

You can specify a signer key by configuring:

** runtime.exs **

config :signet, :signer,
  [{MySigner, {:priv_key, System.get_env("MY_PRIVATE_KEY")}}]

Then use MySigner when asked for a signer when using Signet.

You can also specify a default signer, which will be used by default so you do not need to specify the signer in your calls:

config :signet, :signer, default: {:priv_key, System.get_env("MY_PRIVATE_KEY")}

Google KMS

You can set-up Google KMS by configuring:

config :signet, :signer, [
  {MySigner, {:cloud_kms, GCPCredentials, "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/keyRings/{keyring}/cryptoKeys/{keyid}", "1"}}]

This will use your given key from the URL, version "1", for signing.

GCPCredentials should be a Goth process set-up with proper credentials to access Google Cloud KMS.

Custom Signers

You can also specify custom signers by specifying an mfa that implements the required behavior:

config :signet, :signers, %{
  MySigner: {:mfa, Signet.Signer.Curvy, :sign, [<<1::256>>]}

Feel free to add pull requests with new signing methods.

You can also spawn your own process by adding to your start-up application:

children = [
  # ...
  {Signet.Signer, mfa: {...}, chain_id: chain_id, name: MySigner}

Note: if you do not name your signer, it will be named Signet.Signer.Default and will be used to sign all transactions unless otherwise specified.


Now that you have a signer, you can sign data, for instance:

{:ok, sig} = Signet.Signer.sign("test", MySigner)

And then you can recover it via:

signer_address = Signet.Recover.recover_eth("test", sig)

You can also sign EIP-712 typed data:

  domain: %Signet.Typed.Domain{
    chain_id: 1,
    name: "Ether Mail",
    verifying_contract: Signet.Util.decode_hex!("0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC"),
    version: "1"
  types: %{
    "Mail" => %Signet.Typed.Type{fields: [{"from", "Person"}, {"to", "Person"}, {"contents", :string}]},
    "Person" => %Signet.Typed.Type{fields: [{"name", :string}, {"wallet", :address}]}
  value: %{
    "contents" => "Hello, Bob!",
    "from" => %{
      "name" => "Cow",
      "wallet" => Signet.Util.decode_hex!("0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826")
    "to" => %{
      "name" => "Bob",
      "wallet" => Signet.Util.decode_hex!("0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB")
|> Signet.Typed.encode()
|> Signet.Signer.sign()


Signet includes an RPC library to talk to Ethereum nodes, such as Infura. First, specify an Ethereum node address, e.g.

** config.exs **

config :signet, :rpc,
  ethereum_node: "https://goerli.infura.io"
  chain_id: :goerli

Then, you can run any Ethereum JSON-RPC command, e.g.:

Signet.RPC.send_rpc("net_version", [])
{:ok, "3"}

You can build an Ethereum (pre-EIP-1559) transaction, e.g.:

transaction = Signet.Transaction.V1.new(1, {100, :gwei}, 100_000, <<1::160>>, {2, :wei}, <<1, 2, 3>>)

And you can get the results from calling that transaction, via:

{:ok, <<0x0c>>} = Signet.RPC.call_trx(transaction)

And if you're happy, you can send the trx:

{:ok, trx_id} = Signet.RPC.send_trx(transaction)

You can also pass in known Solidity errors, to have them decoded for you, e.g.:

> errors = ["Cool(uint256,string)"]
> Signet.Transaction.V1.new(1, {100, :gwei}, 100_000, <<11::160>>, {2, :wei}, <<1, 2, 3>>)
> |> Signet.RPC.call_trx(errors: errors)
{:error, "error 3: execution reverted (Cool(uint256,string)[1, \"cat\"])"}

Finally, execute_trx is similar to sending transactions with Web3, which will pull a nonce and estimate gas, before submitting the transaction to the Ethereum node:

{:ok, trx_id} = Signet.RPC.execute_trx(<<1::160>>, {"baz(uint,address)", [50, <<1::160>> |> :binary.decode_unsigned]}, priority_fee: {2, :gwei}, gas_limit: 100_000, value: 0, nonce: 10)

Note: due to our ABI encoder, addresses should be passed in as unsigneds, not binaries.


The library also has a built-in system to use JSON-RPC filters (i.e. via eth_newFilter). In your application.ex (or any other supervisor), start a new filter:

children = [
  # ...
                   # Filter name     # Address    # Topics
  {Signet.Filter, [MyTransferFilter, <<1::160>>, [<<2::256>>]]}

Then, in your code, any process can register to hear events from the filter via:


Once registered, events will be passed in via Elixir messages {:event, event} for decoded events and {:log, log} for plain logs. For example:

defmodule MyGenServer do
  use GenServer

  # ...
  def init(_) do

  def handle_info({:event, event, log}, state) do
    IO.inspect(event, label: "New Event")
    {:noreply, state}

  def handle_info({:log, log}, state) do
    IO.inspect(log, label: "New Log")
    {:noreply, state}

Currently, only ERC-20 transfer events as decoded, e.g. as:

{:event, {"Transfer", %{"from" => <<1::160>>, "to" => <<2::160>>, "amount" => 100}}, %Signet.Filter.Log{}}

Note: filters may expire if not refreshed every so often. The filter code does not attempt to reach back in time if a filter is expired- that is up to your code.


You can create Ethereum keys using Signet. These libraries are built on top of erlang's crypto library, so they should be production safe, but you should be careful none-the-less when generating private keys in your app.

> {address, priv_key} = Signet.Keys.generate_keypair()
> Signet.Util.encode_hex(address)

> Signet.Util.encode_hex(priv_key)


Create a PR to contribute to Signet. All contributors agree to accept the license specified in this repository for all contributions to this project. See LICENSE.md.

Feel free to create Feature Requests in the issues.

Note: The author generated the Signet logo with DALL•E, OpenAI's text-to-image generation model. The image was further modified by the author.


Lightweight Ethereum Key Manager & RPC Client in Elixir

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%