hendurhance / hendurhance-aire-labs-laravel-technical

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Aire Labs Technical Assessment Solution

This is @hendurhance solution to the Aire Labs Technical Assessment. I used Laravel 10 and Livewire to complete the assessment. I used the Tailwind CSS framework for styling. I also wrote additional styles in the public/css/app.css file.


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/hendurhance/hendurhance-aire-labs-laravel-technical.git
  1. Go to the project directory
cd hendurhance-aire-labs-laravel-technical

Note: If your directory is named differently, replace hendurhance-aire-labs-laravel-technical with the name of your directory. 3. Install Composer, Add Environment Variables, and Generate an Application Key using start.sh


Note: If the script does not work give it executable permissions and try again.

chmod +x scripts/start.sh
  1. Open the project in your browser using the URL provided on the command line. The default URL is http://localhost:8000.
  2. Run the tests using the following command:







  • I used the Tailwind CSS framework for styling. I also wrote additional styles in the public/css/app.css file.
  • I used the Livewire package to create the components and handle the form submission.
  • I created a resources/views/livewire/testimonial-component.blade.php file to display the testimonial component. It also contains the data for the testimonials. It is a simple array of objects with the following structure:
        'name' => 'Brittan Wheeler',
        'designation' => 'Consultant',
        'image' => asset('images/Brittan_Wheeler.png'),
        'description' => 'You made it so simple.',
        'rating' => 4,
  • I created a resources/views/livewire/rating-component.blade.php file to display the rating component. It accepts a rating value and displays the appropriate number of stars.

Laravel Technical Assessment

Welcome to the Aire Labs technical interview! We were very impressed by your application, and wanted to invite you to complete a short technical assessment to make sure you would be a good fit for this role.


This repository has boilerplate code for a Laravel project, as well as some graphics assets.

Clone this repository and name it "[your github username]-aire-labs-laravel-technical]". Then, using Livewire, please implement this design.

When you are finished, email us the link to your repo with the subject "[Your Name] Aire Labs React Technical Assessment Completed".


We are grading based on:

  • Code structure
  • Accuracy to the Figma
  • Responsiveness



Language:PHP 96.1%Language:Blade 2.2%Language:CSS 1.0%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:JavaScript 0.3%