hendrik-weiler / htmldecorators

This javascript library parses decorators annotations in html and executes the code behind them.

Home Page:https://hendrik-weiler.github.io/htmldecorators/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This javascript library parses decorators annotations in html and executes the code behind them.


  • Templating
  • Components

Parser ports:

Table of contents

  1. Files
  2. Examples
  3. Troubleshooting
  4. Documentation


The files to include

  • htmldecorators.js - The parser and core functionality
  • htmldecorators-std.js - A list of standard decorators
  • htmldecorators.css - The core css


There are several examples in the examples folder. You can use the examples/starter.html for testing.

Include to your html file

<script data-evalhtmldec src="../build/htmldecorators.js"></script>
<script src="../build/htmldecorators-std.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../build/htmldecorators.css">

Notice that "data-evalhtmldec" was added as attribute to the script tag for htmldecorators.js. With this all elements with the "data-htmldec" attribute will be parsed. If you remove this attribute you have to apply the decorators yourself:

window.onload = function () {

Basic usage

<!-- Format tags using decorators -->
@Bold @Underline @Italic
<div>My Text</div>

<!-- Load html into a element -->

<!-- In page.html -->
<!-- Use decorators inside -->
<button>Say hello</button>
HTMLDecorators.Handler(function hello() {

<!-- ref -->
// get the decorator instance
var p = decById('paragraph');
p.element.innerHTML = 'Content';

<!-- foreach -->
<div data-htmldec>
            @@Bold @@Underline @@Italic
            <a href="$${link}">$${label} $${__index__}</a>
<div id="arrayTest" data-htmldec-render>
        <li>$${__entry__} = $${__index__}</li>
    window.onload = function () {
        // decById is an alias to HTMLDecorators.FindById
        var menu = decById('menu');
            {link:'Test',label:'Link 1'},
            {link:'Test',label:'Link 2'},
            {link:'Test',label:'Link 3'}
           'Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'
<!-- If you want more loop more layers you can use the @LoadHTML decorator -->
        selector=body #stack1
<!-- use script type=template for html loading -->
<script type="template" id="stack1">
    @Bold @Italic @TestDec.Test(index="test \"${__index__}\"")
    <span>Test ${__index__}</span>


If you use the HTMLDecorators.Parser to parse html content you can give an object as the second parameter. You can use ${key} in the html content to replace it with the object value. Its also possible to use an expression like ${__index__ + 1}.

Extending with own decorators

You create your own decorators by creating a namespace. There are examples for creating own decorators in examples/app/login.js, examples/app/todo.js or examples/invoice.html

The decorators will be automaticly applied. If the name got no namespace the standard namespace will be used found in HTMLDecorators.StdDecorators If a namespace was found for example todoDec.Test the Test decorator will be search in window.todoDec


<!-- in js -->
var TestDec = {};
class Test extends HTMLDecorators.Decorator {
  render() {
TestDec.Test = Test;
<!-- usage -->
<script type="template" data-htmldec>

Using the parser

With the parser you can parse the html and apply decorators An usage of the parser can found in examples/loginapp.html in the examples/app/pageLoader.js the loadPage function.

// first you create an instance of the parser
var parser = new HTMLDecorators.Parser();
var data = {
    // parse the input html
    html : parser.parse(test1html),
    // get a list of all found decorators
    decs : parser.DecoratorList
// after you got a list of decorators
// you set the parsed html to the body
document.body.innerHTML = data.html;
// to apply the decorators call this function

Its also possible to add data at the parsing step.

var variables = {
    name : 'value',
    othername : 'value2'
var parser = new HTMLDecorators.Parser();
var data = {
    // parse the input html
    html : parser.parse(test1html,variables),
    // get a list of all found decorators
    decs : parser.DecoratorList
// all instances of ${name} or ${othername} will replaced
// with the value


This javascript library parses decorators annotations in html and executes the code behind them.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 72.2%Language:PHP 22.7%Language:HTML 4.0%Language:CSS 1.2%