hemant-sw / amazon-clone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome contributors👋

Are you starting out with React.js library, I love it, its my favourite library to work with and all my projects are in React. This is my first project when I started my developement journey and now I wanna help all those begginers who are starting with their developement journey. There is plenty of work which can be done on this project which means plenty of issues and plenty of PRs.

Let's see how to play around with this🚀

-> First step is to Fork the project


-> Now you can clone the project on your local machine using the command git clone https://github.com/Kanika637/amazon-clone.git

-> Change the directory to this project, cd amazon-clone

-> Install all the dependencies using the command npm i

-> Every contributor should make a new branch with this command git checkout -b "Your Branch Name"


-> After Forking and Cloning, its time to look around for issues.


-> I would suggest that the beginners should look around for good first issues


How to make your first contribution💻

-> After making the changes in your respecive file, write the command git add . for staging all the updated files.


-> Now commit your changes using the command git commit -m "First Commit"


-> After this push your changes with the command git push orign "Your Branch Name"


Congratulations, you made your first contribution🥳



Language:JavaScript 80.6%Language:CSS 15.0%Language:HTML 4.3%