helq / the-little-cppler-book

Introduction to programming using C++(11) in the style of question/answer of "The little Scheme"

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Link to the book (pdf)

A book on how to learn to code in C++. I've been using this book in an introductory class on programming at the "Universidad Nacional de Colombia". The course webpage including some suggested additional material can be found at: https://helq.github.io/teaching/coding-2018-I/

"Compiling" Book

If you don't want to modify the book, and want to know the end result, keep reading.

Tools you need:

  • Stack
  • XeLaTeX (comes with your usual LaTeX installation)
  • Clang compiler (if you want to use GCC, change clang++ for g++ in the file maker-src/build-pdf.hs)

With everything in place, open the command line, and execute:

$ stack setup
$ stack build
$ stack exec -- build-pdf-exe --verbose

That's all, happy fiddling :)

If you want to build continuously, i.e., without calling stack everytime you want to see the results but automatically, run buildNWatch.sh:

$ git config --local core.hooksPath "git-hooks"
$ stack build hobbes
$ stack exec -- ./buildNWatch.sh


Introduction to programming using C++(11) in the style of question/answer of "The little Scheme"



Language:C++ 60.3%Language:Haskell 34.2%Language:TeX 3.4%Language:Shell 2.1%