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Code School - Learn the latest versions of HTML & CSS. Take a look at new HTML5 tags, form elements, attributes, input types, border-radius, box-shadow, gradients, and more.

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Code School - Learn the latest versions of HTML & CSS. Take a look at new HTML5 tags, form elements, attributes, input types, border-radius, box-shadow, gradients, and more.

LEVEL 1 - Overview & Updates

Get an overview of HTML5 and CSS3, and learn which HTML elements have been updated in HTML5.


In HTML4 we have 3 different types of Doctypes, that simple putting are only copy and pasted from one project to the other. They are:

  1. Strict: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
  2. Transitional: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
  3. Frameset: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">

Now in the HTML5, we only need a simple one: <!DOCTYPE html>


Start out by writing the new HTML5 doctype into the index.html inside level_1/1


The meta declaration is another updated tag, in the HTML4 it has two attribute unnecessary in the HTML5 and looked like: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">.

Now in the HTML5, a new attribute was added, and the meta for encode definition looks like: <meta charset="UTF-8">


Write the new HTML5 meta declaration for specifying the character encoding of our document. It should use UTF-8 as the encoding. Use the level_1/2/index.html


The script tag used normally for javascript inclusion, was updated. In the HTML4 we specify the type attribute as text/javascript like <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>.

Now in the HTML5 they changed browsers so they can infer javascript as type, so the new script tag for HTML5 is: <script src="file.js"></script>.


Assuming that we have the HTML inside level_1/3/index.html script tag in HTML4, remove the portion we do not need in HTML5.


As the script tag in HTML4 we've been using the type attribute to specify the text/css, as in: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">.

Now in the HTML5 specification the type attribute could be inferred, so we finish with something like: <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">.


Use the link tag to to include the external stylesheet, style.css, and only use the attributes necessary for the HTML5 version.


Some elements changed its semantic in the new HTML5. In HTML4, the i was a font style element that represents italic font.

Now in the HTML5 the i tag represents text in an “alternate voice” or “mood”.

Some example uses for the i tag:

  • Taxonomic designation;
  • Technical term;
  • Idiomatic phrase from another language Transliteration;
  • A thought;
  • Ship name in Western texts;

Usage example:

    <p><i>I hope this fail</i>, he thought.</p>

Using the new semantics of HTML elements, mark up the text, “This is the finest piece of art I have ever seen” in the level_1/5/index.html to be represented in an “alternate voice” or “mood”.


The b tag was also changed semantically. In old days it was only a font style element, but now it should be used to represent a stylistically offset.

Some example uses for the b tag:

  • Key words in a document abstract;
  • Product names in a review;
  • Actionable words in interactive text-driven software;
  • Article lead;

Usage example:

    <p><b class="lead">The event takes place this upcoming Saturday, and over 3,000 people have already registered.</b> In the first day of...</p>

Using the new semantics of HTML elements, make the first paragraph an article lead, which needs to be “stylistically offset” from the following paragraphs. level_1/6/index.html


In old days of HTML4 the em was meant to emphasis, and now it receives a more dramatic semantic "stress emphasis".

Usage example:

	<p>Make sure to activate <em>before</em> the BIG day.</p>

Using the new semantics of HTML elements, mark up “invitation-only” to have “stress emphasis.” in level_1/7/index.html


In old days of HTML4 the strong was meant to strong emphasis, and now it semantically express "strong importance".

Usage example:

	<p>Make sure to activate <em>before</em> the BIG day, <strong>October 21, 2013.</strong></p>

Using the new semantics of HTML elements, mark up the date to have “strong importance.” in level_1/8/index.html

LEVEL 2 - HTML5 Elements

Learn all of the new HTML5 elements, including the section, article, header, footer, and time elements, and also several others that will help make your markup more semantic.

LEVEL 3 - HTML5 Forms

Learn all of the new HTML5 form input types, elements, and attributes.

LEVEL 4 - CSS3 Styles

Learn modern CSS styling techniques, including border radius, box shadow, text shadow, box sizing, multiple backgrounds, and gradients.

LEVEL 5 - Fonts & Interactions

Learn how to use web fonts with @font-face, create smooth transitions and manipulated elements in CSS with the transition and transform properties, and write CSS according to the principles of progressive enhancement.

This a course from Code School.


Code School - Learn the latest versions of HTML & CSS. Take a look at new HTML5 tags, form elements, attributes, input types, border-radius, box-shadow, gradients, and more.