hellopablo / alfred-workflows

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Alfred Workflows

A bunch of workflows for Alfred 2 which make my life easier, use any of them if you want!

These are all customised to my machine (I'm treating this repo as a backup mainly), but easily adjusted to another environment.

Some more useful repos can be found at Shed.

Open [Repository] Folder

Opens up ~/Sites/GitRepos in finder from a keyword. I know this is built-in functionality, but I found typing repos wouldn't always give me the exact folder I wanted (despite the screenshot showing otherwise >_<). This changes that. The alt modifier will open the origin in the default browser, and the command modifier will open the repo in Terminal.


You can copy the existing nodes in the workflow and add more keyword aliases if needed, too.

Open Repo Folder

Copy now() to clipboard

Copies the current time to the clipboard, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (useful for pasting into databases etc). You can also adjust the output by specifying an aritmitic operation (e.g. + 14 days) or a timezone.

now {timezone}
now {+/- [number] years}
now {+/- [number] months}
now {+/- [number] weeks}
now {+/- [number] days}
now {+/- [number] hours}
now {+/- [number] minutes}
now {+/- [number] seconds}

Copy Now() to clipboard

Generate MD5 hash of a string

Copies an md5 hash of a string to the clipboard, if no argument is passed then the current time is used.

md5 {query}

Generate MD5 hash of a string

Copy SSH Key to clipboard

Looks for public SSH keys in ~/.ssh and offers them up to copy onto the clipboard


Lists public SSH keys for copying

SSH into Digital Ocean Droplets

Searches digital ocean droplets and opens a new terminal window with an ssh connection

doctl {query}

Lists Digital Ocean droplets to SSH into

Copy Stripe test card to clipboard

Copies the card number for various Stripe test cards to the clipboard

stripe {filter}

Copy Stripe test card to clipboard

Copy WorldPay test card to clipboard

Copies the card number for various WorldPay test cards to the clipboard

worldpay {filter}

Copy WorldPay test card to clipboard


License:MIT License