helius-labs / test-drive

Home Page:https://test-drive-omega.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Helius RPC Playground

The Ultimate Tool for Testing Solana RPCs. Drop in any Solana RPC URL to test methods.

Helius RPC Playground Logo



Helius RPC Playground is a SvelteKit app that allows users to make RPC calls to the Solana blockchain using any RPC URL. It provides a convenient interface to test speeds and examine the returns of the RPC calls.

Installation and Setup

  1. Ensure you have Node.js installed.
  2. Clone this repository to your local machine:
    git clone https://github.com/your-username/helius-rpc-playground.git
  3. Change to the project directory
    cd test-drive
  4. Install the project dependencies:
    npm install


  1. Start the development server:
    npm run dev
  2. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173 to access the Helius RPC Playground app.
  3. Paste in a URL to the endpoint input, and select a method.
  4. Click "Run" in the Parameters component to test any RPC call.

Helius Playground Main


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to Helius RPC Playground, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Submit a pull request to the dev branch of the original heliuslabs/test-drive repository.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.


Related Links



License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 82.4%Language:Svelte 16.7%Language:HTML 0.8%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:CSS 0.0%